I would like to connect an Arduino Uno and an ESP 01 module. I use the Arduino IDE and I tried to test communication via serial monitor. I get the "ready" message from the ESP 01, but I am not able to issue AT commands from the serial monitor. It only displays random characters on the console.
It seems that no newline character is issued, because if I try to insert commands, they are inserted next to previous characters. I use "Both NL & CR" and 115200 baud settings in Arduino IDE. I tried 9600 baud too, but then the text is unreadable.
I used the following pins on my ESP-01:
Vcc -> 3,3V
Gnd -> Gnd
Rx -> Tx(pin 0) of my Arduino, used voltage divider to make it 3.3V.
Tx -> Rx(pin 1) of Arduino
CH_PD -> 3.3V
Please see serial monitor screenshot:
My Arduino is connected to my PC via USB, so I changed pins for communication with the ESP by SoftwareSerial to pins 10 and 11. Now it works. Thank you.