I have a Servo Motor and an Arduino Uno.
I used the Arduino to run a servo motor. The code was very simple. It was to just Turn it 90 Deg Anti-Clockwise when a switch is pressed and Turn back to its original position (90 Deg Clockwise).
The servo had 3 pins. 1. V+ 2. Ground 3. Data
I connected the V+ to the Arduino's 5v Output. And the Ground to the Arduino's GND pin. I connected the Data to Digital Pin 3.
When ever this script runs, The servo turns a little and then stops. It stops because the arduino froze and It wont do anything. I pressed the Reset button and it does nothing. I plugged off the Servo and the Power Supply and replugged the Power and it works.
The power source was a battery pack with 4x 1.5 Volts batteries in it. Maybe there was a problem with this?
Do anyone know what might be the problem here? Any Answer will be Appriciated. Thanks.