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Questions tagged [calibration]

Use this tag with regard to ensuring that instruments are giving accurate readings as compared to a trusted reference standard.

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1 answer

How to calibrate MMC5603 magnetometer

I just got a MMC5603 magnetometer from Adafruit however the measurements are unreliable. For example when I convert it to a heading it goes from 200° to 180° and then back to 200° if I move it ...
Richard Beattie's user avatar
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Calibration of pH sensor

I am working with pH sensor ( ) and arduino. The board provided with sensor is not having any potentiometer to set the voltage value when dipped in ...
Jashanjot Kaur's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Carbon dioxide sensor MG 811

I am using MG811 carbon dioxide sensor with ESP8266 module. CO2 values is being read inside closed room. The value comes around 400 ppm. Using CO2 generator does not make increase in reading. Checked ...
Jashanjot Kaur's user avatar
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1 answer

Fluctuation in 4 half bridge load cell via combinator

I'm currently using a Sparkfun 4 Half-Bridge load sensor (50 Kg) with combinator and amplifier both are from the Sparkfun. Link: (For Load Sensors)https://www....
Ayub 's user avatar
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1 answer

Requires accurate RGB color values by the tcs3200 RGB color sensore

I used the TCS3200 sensor to read the RGB color values.First, I calibrated the sensor with white and black colors.The sensor detects red, blue, and green correctly, but does not give an accurate value....
ali's user avatar
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1 answer

How often does a mpu6050 gyro sonsor need calibration?

I want to use it in my real car for daily use to measure yaw angle when needed. Is is ok to only calibrate it once at first then use it every day when driving without any problem? if not, how often ...
sadegh yeganeh zadeh's user avatar
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Per-Arduino calibration files?

I am planning on having an array of embedded devices in my garden, and each of these is going to have its own analog moisture sensor. Each moisture sensor needs to be individually calibrated. In an ...
Matt Simmons's user avatar
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How to calibrate an accelerometer?

I'm confused about a few points on how to best calibrate an accelerometer, whose data will be used in an orientation sensor fusion algorithm. As a summary, the most common approaches I've seen take ...
Zhelyazko Grudov's user avatar
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Why do I get error "Error compiling for board Arduino Uno" with my mpu6050 video stabilization code?

This is the code I'm working with. I'm using it for video stabilization system. It was working fine but for some reason now it gives me this error? Is it because I deleted the library and installed ...
Dani's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

LSM303 unable to compensate tilt

I am working on a tilt compensated compass with the LSM303DLHC. I manage to calibrate the magnetic and accelero part. I managed to calculate pitch and roll. But when it comes to calculate tilt ...
sanrays10's user avatar
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How to calibrate Arduino DUE analog readings?

I am having a problem with the analog readings on my Due. On pin A4 and A5 I am measuring voltages: double vcc = 3.288 // taken on pin 75 (ADVREF) ; analogReadResolution(12); result = analogRead(A4) ...
Jack's user avatar
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2 answers

Do we have to calibrate LDR before using it in a project?

I am doing a project with Arduino, making a synthesizer, in which an LDR is used. Before connecting the Arduino to a power source and use the project, do I need to calibrate the LDR like it is ...
parvin's user avatar
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1 answer

How to calibrate MPU 6050 thermometer?

I'm using MPU 6050 and there's a thermometer onboard. However, I looked through the chip set data sheets but could not find the instruction for temperature sensing. Could you tell me how to calibrate ...
ShoutOutAndCalculate's user avatar
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QMC5883L automatic calibration

I have a QMC5883L magnetometer, and a pretty basic sketch which just prints the values from X, Y and Z axis to the serial monitor. I want to use it in an application to detect changes in the ...
Magnus's user avatar
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Ultrasonic sensor underwater calibration

Does anyone knows how to calibrate AJ-SR04M using the Arduino? I am working on AUV. underwater reading from current code; it is giving continuous 20cm while moving inches. http://shop2.hanjindata1....
Khurram Jafry's user avatar
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Arduino loop over a function is always displaying 0 as final values

I trying to loop over a function in arduino to get values for 2000 times, and then divide it by 2000 to get an average offset: int16_t x_offset = 0; int16_t y_offset = 0; int16_t z_offset = 0; And ...
alim1990's user avatar
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3 answers

How to filter or eliminate earths magnetic field readings around 3D Magnetic sensor?

Im using the SparkFun MAG3110 3D sensor: My application is essentially to make a contactless "magnetic joystick" using a local magnet for accurate and constant ...
dandev's user avatar
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1 answer

MQ135 Gas Sensor Calibration [closed]

I have bought a MQ135 gas sensor. I have read online from multiple sources that a calibration/warm-up period of between 12-24hrs is required for the sensor to give its most accurate readings. I ...
nagrom97's user avatar
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HC-SR04 calibration conditions

As is known, the speed of sound depends of temperature and Relative Humidity. I'm trying to calibrate HC-SR04 sensor taking account these factors. In SparkFun page there is no mention about ...
aldo_tapia's user avatar
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Problems with ACS758 Hall Effect Current Sensors - Calibration and no Signal

I purchased 3 ACS758 Hall Effect Current Sensors datasheet on ebay. A 50,100 and 200A, all three are bi-directional. They look like this. With no current the 50A outputs 477 on the analogue input (2....
Squats's user avatar
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Can't get constant reading with load cells

I'm really a newcomer to arduino and I'm trying to build a scale with four SEN-10245 load cells and a HX711. My issue is that I can't get constant readings in the serial monitor and I'm not sure if my ...
Miguel's user avatar
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4 answers

How can I seriously calibrate ADC voltage readings with Arduino Nano?

I have been using Arduino Nano Analog input to measure voltages, in the range between 22-30 Volts. I want to measure it down to a tenth of a volt. Following the instructions found here: Read ...
SDsolar's user avatar
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