Linked Questions

18 votes
3 answers

What is the best way to unit test my code without controller? [duplicate]

I want to unit test my Arduino code. Ideally, I want to execute and test my code without uploading it to the board. What tools or libraries can help me with this? There is an Arduino emulator in ...
Hardik Thaker's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Is there an Arduino simulator that runs on Mac OS X? [duplicate]

I need to simulate my Arduino project with other circuit components before implementing the project. Is there a decent simulator that runs on Mac platform?
M.Medhat's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Arduino uno simulation software for windows [duplicate]

Could anyone help me for a good free arduino uno simulation software for windows.Hope I get an answer.
White Knight_wk's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

There is any way to simulate an arduino due? [duplicate]

As the title says there is any program that can simulate an arduino due? I like the design of Proteus 8 but he can't simulate it. Only the arduino Uno R3, Mega and another one that I forgot the name.
Max's user avatar
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0 answers

Free simulation software for arduino hardware [duplicate]

Hi there i am a beginner and trying to pair some sensors with my arduino. I am looking for some software which will allow me to test my codes in virtual machine also it should be free ...thax in ...
Adarsh Choudhary's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

How to test Arduino behaviour on Windows? [duplicate]

Hello fellow Arduino enthusiasts, I created an Arduino project for a Mega2560 board in Microsoft Visual Studio. Before loading the code on the board I want to test it on my Windows desktop computer. ...
BooleanAssange's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

Suggestions for a program for drawing simple schematics

I'm wondering if there are free programs or web sites that let you draw simple schematics similar to this example:
dlu's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

is there any real arduino emulators (so I can upload and run machine code on it)

I play with Arduino Micro. I write my programs in directly in machine code, in binary editors (yes, I know that there are more easy ways to program an Arduino, I do it for fun and learning). Often my ...
user983447's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Arduino Simulator for Windows that can be detected by Arduino IDE through a Virtual COM Port

Hello is there an Arduino Simulator for Windows that can be detected by Arduino IDE through a Virtual COM Port? I've seen simulator online but I can't seem to find a simulator that can be programmed ...
xybrek's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Simulation of IoT based systems in Software

Thank you for reading this. Generally there are libraries for GSM and Ultrasound sensors for the software called Proteus and you can simulate them along with you MCU and the interfacing peripherals ...
Taimoor Ali's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How do I activate emulation in the Coddeblocks Arduino IDE

I stumbled upon this question here, so I tried the Codeblocks alternative. After opening an Arduino Project, and leaving all options to default, I ran the Arduino version of the Hello World. A popup ...
MikhailTal's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Arduino emulator to create virtual 3d printer farm

I'm building a system to monitor several 3d printers, but I just have 1 printer. I'm thinking if there is any opensource tool to launch several virtual Arduino based boards running with Marlin ...
efirvida's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Can I emulate Arduino in a headless CI/CD setup?

6 years ago, there has been a question "How to emulate Arduino on PC". Since then, probably many more Arduino emulators have been introduces. With this question, I would like to narrow the search ...
J. Doe's user avatar
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