Kindly seek help. In my project I want to ‘fake’ a smart meter via Modbus rtu server for a solis inverter.
Somehow the solis realizes that I am faking him, so I am wondering which Modbus rtu server library you can recommend to allow me seeing what registers the solis is querying? As of now I am using Emilianov Modbus-8266 library to run the rtu server/slave and platform is an esp32 with max3485.
So let me elaborate. Mine Solis simply sucks during low-light conditions. It can not decide if it shall charge or discharge, resulting in heavy oscialltion, jumping from feeding to much into grid and then taking to much from grid - peaks are ranging from +800Watt to -800Watt when it starts oscillating.
On the com-port you are true - here the solis acts as slave. But on its RS485 meter-port I understand the Solis acts as master and the smart meter is the slave.
My goal is to fake the smart-meter.
So topology would be:
So I am looking for a solution that any read-request from the Solis is transparently passed-through to the smart-meter. But I want one register intercpeted (most likely total-active-power, which to mine understanding is the only value the solis want to bring back to zero in its control-loop).
As of now I can read the Solis and ther Seplos BMS via ESP32/RS485 successfully. I even have a running slave which I thought shall be good enough to get accpeted as fake-smart-meter, but it is not. The solis is asking for more register then my fake-solution is providing. hence mine ask, which ESP32 slave/server modbus library can print any request its arriving.
If my view is incorrect, kindly get me corrected.