I'm looking for the Arduino/C++ equivalent of COBOL's 'copy' statement.
I'm working on a program that is approaching 600 lines of code in the TopLevel.cpp source file. This is hard to manage because I feel like I spend all my time scrolling up and down the source file. The code in question does not easily lend itself to conversion to a class because it is sections of loop/main. I've tried using xxx.h (for storage definitions) and yyy.cpp (for code sections). Those approaches yield error messages, which I think are due to the different timings of the Arduino pre-processor and the compiler code that resolve the #include statements.
Thanks for the help. --CVTBrakeman
p.s. I wrote my first program in 1967; the language was GOTRAN on an IBM 1620. For almost 50 years, I made my living designing/writing COBOL and SAS code on IBM mainframes. Yes, Y2K was real and I survived it.