I have a 2D array of uint16_t arrays (IR Remote Codes). Due to the size of this data in RAM I'm having all kinds of trouble when my array is larger than one code. Thus, I have been trying to move this whole structure into PROGMEM. Following various tutorials and this solution, I have come up with the code below for reading a single element out of the array and into a variable that I can feed to the IRLIB2 IRSendRaw function.
The variable that holds the code that is read out of PROGMEM is still huge and causing some problems. Is there a more direct way like a python list comprehension to access an arbitrary element and send it directly to the IRSender?
This PROGMEM_readAnything library looks promising, but I don't have enough C++ fu to make the mental leap to implement it in my code.
#include <IRLibSendBase.h> //We need the base code
#include <IRLib_HashRaw.h> //Only use raw sender
#define RAW_DATA_LEN 68
const uint16_t sources[3][RAW_DATA_LEN] PROGMEM =
{{8550, 4306, 530, 1606, 530, 566, 502, 1610, //power on/off
530, 566, 502, 574, 506, 1630, 506, 566,
506, 1630, 506, 566, 502, 1610, 530, 566,
502, 1634, 506, 1606, 530, 570, 498, 1634,
506, 570, 510, 562, 506, 566, 502, 1634,
506, 1606, 530, 1610, 530, 562, 538, 538,
530, 542, 538, 1598, 538, 1570, 558, 542,
538, 538, 530, 542, 538, 1598, 530, 1578,
558, 1578, 562, 1000},
{8546, 4310, 558, 1578, 562, 538, 498, 1638, //source CD
530, 542, 506, 570, 502, 1634, 502, 570,
498, 1638, 534, 538, 498, 1638, 530, 542,
506, 1606, 554, 1582, 558, 538, 510, 1602,
554, 546, 506, 566, 502, 570, 510, 1602,
554, 1582, 558, 538, 510, 566, 502, 1606,
554, 546, 502, 1610, 558, 1574, 554, 546,
502, 570, 510, 1602, 526, 1610, 526, 574,
506, 1602, 526, 1000},
{8550, 4306, 530, 1606, 534, 566, 502, 1606, //source CDR
534, 566, 502, 570, 510, 1602, 526, 570,
510, 1602, 534, 566, 502, 1606, 534, 566,
506, 1602, 530, 1606, 534, 566, 502, 1610,
530, 570, 498, 574, 506, 566, 502, 570,
510, 1602, 526, 570, 510, 566, 502, 570,
510, 1602, 526, 1610, 526, 1606, 534, 1602,
534, 566, 502, 1610, 530, 1602, 534, 1602,
526, 574, 506, 1000}};
//Create a sender
IRsendRaw mySender;
//Read out one code into a variable and send to the IR transmitter
uint16_t myCode[RAW_DATA_LEN];
for (int i = 0; i < RAW_DATA_LEN; i++) {
myCode[i] = pgm_read_word_near(sources[0] + i);
arr + i
. it is a pointer to the element. and for two dimensions the argument to pgm_read must bearr[i] + j