I'm using an esp8266 12-E nodemcu I wrote a code that scans the available WiFi networks, print them through serial communication,ask the user which network he wants to connect to and then the password for that network. The problem is that the nodemcu won't connect to that network. I think that the problem is when I convert the strings buffer_pw and buffer_ssid to the char arrays password and ssid. Why does it give problems to connect?
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
int num_ap; //number of access points
String buffer_ssid = "empty"; //temporary stores the ssid in here because then it has to be converted in a char array
String buffer_pw = "empty"; //temporary stores password and same thing as^^
bool askPW = false; //"Did I already ask the password?"
bool connesso = false; //"Did I already connect?"
void setup()
WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); //put the nodemcu in sta mode so that it can connect to access points
WiFi.disconnect(); //it disconnects from any access point it was connected to
Serial.println("Setup completo");
num_ap = WiFi.scanNetworks(); //scans for access points
if (num_ap == 0) //if there aren't any access points available
Serial.println("Nessun Access Point rilevato");
else //if there are some access points available
Serial.println("Access Point rilevati:");
for (int i = 0; i < num_ap; i++)
Serial.println(" ");
Serial.print(i + 1);
Serial.print(") ");
Serial.print(WiFi.SSID(i)); //print access point's ssid
Serial.print(" ");
Serial.print("(Potenza segnale: ");
Serial.print(WiFi.RSSI(i)); //prints access point's rssi(strength of signal)
Serial.println(" ");
Serial.println(" ");
Serial.println("A quale Access Point ti vuoi connettere?");
void loop()
if (buffer_ssid == "empty") //if the variable has the standard value "empty" so if the user has already given an ssid. I need this to execute this piece of code once
if (Serial.available() > 0)
buffer_ssid = Serial.readString(); //stores user input(the ssid) in buffer_ssid
if (buffer_ssid != "empty") //if the variable isn't empty(if the code has successfully saved the ssid) prints the ssid
if(buffer_ssid != "empty") //if the user has given an ssid
if(askPW == false) //if the code has asked the password(I need this in order to execute this piece of code once)
Serial.println("Inserire la password per connettersi all'Access Point, se non serve premere spazio e invio"); //"insert the password"
askPW = true;
if (Serial.available() > 0)
buffer_pw = Serial.readString(); //saves user input(the password) in the variable buffer_pw
if(buffer_pw != "empty") //if the code has successfully saved the password so it hasn't the standard value "empty"
if (buffer_pw != "empty" && buffer_ssid != "empty") //if buffer_ssid and buffer_pw aren't "empty", so if the user inserted them
if(connesso == false) //in order to execute this piece of code once
//converts the strings buffer_ssid and buffer_pw in char arrays(I have to do this because WiFi.begin() doesn't accept strings)
char ssid[buffer_ssid.length()];
char password[buffer_pw.length()];
//start connecting
Serial.println("Connessione in corso");
Serial.println(ssid); //prints ssid
Serial.println(password);//prints password so I know that they were converted succesffully
WiFi.begin(ssid,password);//start connecting
while(WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) //while it's not connected
Serial.println("Connesso!"); //"Connected!"
Serial.println("Il mio ip locale: ");
Serial.print(WiFi.localIP()); //nodemcu's local IP
connesso = true; //set connesso to true so that this piece of code doesn't loop