I found this wonderful breakout board based on FT232. I wonder if I can use this board for connecting my arduino to a USB dongle for 3g/GPRS connection ?

From what I understand this board can be connected to the serial data pins of the arduino board. And if I connect the USB dongle to the FT232 board, I should be able to run AT commands from the arduino board.

  • How exactly do you imagine connecting two USB devices to work? Commented Aug 10, 2014 at 9:35
  • Many don't realize that USB has distinct host and device roles; it's a common confusion, but yes, the answer is that it doesn't work. Commented Aug 11, 2014 at 16:17

1 Answer 1


Unfortunately, no, as the FT232 would have to act as a USB host device. A USB host shield might work if someone has written driver code to support 3G modems.

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