So, I've put together my Christmas tree lights - a string of WS2811s driven by my Uno board. They are 12 volt WS2811s, so I have rigged a 12 volt supply to them and just using the Uno for the data channel, powered, initially by the USB port of the PC. So far, so good.
Then I take the whole arrangement to the tree and try to power the Uno from a USB charger - but that's where it all goes wrong! The LEDS start to flash madly, nothing like the pattern that I've programmed.
I've tried various USB chargers and various USB cables to no avail, I've tried powering with 6 volts to the DC in socket - same thing. When I go back to the PC and pick up the Uno power from the USB cable, all is good! I have no idea what can be causing this, please help!