I am new in this Arduino coding world and I was trying to make a project. I normally used Arduino Unos all the time, but I was facing a problem and that is that the Arduino Uno has only 13 digital pins and 6 analog pins, and some of my friends advise me to use an Arduino Mega, but that costs too much, some to my friends also tell me that I could use only a Atmel chip, which will save money.
But the problem is that I can not burn these chips without a burner. I see online that Arduino Uno has Arduino ISP options also that will allow you to bootload or upload Arduino sketches to those kind of chips, but I have been trying for over 3 months and I cannot figure out how to do that
At present I am working with the ATmega8 chip.
This is my problem:
Using stk500v1 but the problem is not resolved