I am trying to compile an Arduino program that takes analog input. However, when I declare multiple global variables, it often will not compile and because it throws an error that the variables aren't within scope of the functions within the program. I am not super familiar with Arduino IDE, but this doesn't programmatically make sense to me.
This is the program:
* By Hannah Perner-Wilson, www.plusea.at
* Modified 3/30/2012 By Brian E Kaminski, www.AdvancerTechnologies.com
* Scroll down to set your serial port
* Scroll down to set your thresholds
import processing.serial.*;
// definition of window size
// you can change the size of the window as you like
// the thresholdGraph will be scaled to fit
// the optimal size for the thresholdGraph is 1000 x 400
int xWidth = 1200;
int yHeight = 750;
// xPos input array, using prefix
int[] xPosArr= {0,0,0,0,0,0};
int[] messageArr= {0,0,0,0,0,0};
// Arrays for threshholding
int[] threshMax= {0,0,0,0,0,0};
int[] threshMin= {0,0,0,0,0,0};
// variables for serial connection. portname and baudrate are user specific
Serial port1;
//Set your serial port here (look at list printed when you run the application once)
String V3 = Serial.list()[1];
String portname1 = V3;
int baudrate = 9600;
int prefix = 10001;
boolean myCatch = false;
String serialIN = "";
String serialINPUT = "";
String buffer = "";
int value = 0;
// ThresholdGraph draws grid and poti states
ThresholdGraph in;
void setup(){
// set size and framerate
size(xWidth, yHeight);
// establish serial port connection
port1 = new Serial(this, portname1, baudrate);
port1.bufferUntil('\n') ;
println(Serial.list()); // print serial list
// create DisplayItems object
in = new ThresholdGraph();
// using the thresholdGraph you can determine the MIN and MAX values
// of your sensors. Enter these here. They must lie between 0 and 1000.
//MIN trashhold
threshMin[0] = 20; // one
threshMin[1] = 20; // two
threshMin[2] = 20; // three
threshMin[3] = 20; // four
threshMin[4] = 20; // five
threshMin[5] = 20; // six
//MAX trashhold
threshMax[0] = 600; // one
threshMax[1] = 600; // two
threshMax[2] = 600; // three
threshMax[3] = 600; // four
threshMax[4] = 600; // five
threshMax[5] = 600; // six
}//end setup
// draw listens to serial port, draw
void draw(){
// listen to serial port and trigger serial event
while(port1.available() > 0){
serialIN = port1.readStringUntil('\n');
if(serialIN != "")
Serial.println("found empty");
// threshold serial input
// draw serial input
}//end draw()
The error that are being thrown are:
testproject.ino:100:17: error: 'threshHolding' was not declared in this scope
testproject.ino:103:3: error: 'in' was not declared in this scope
Error compiling.
function defined? (PSthreshHolding
are functions, not variables)