I have a problem with the global variable calibrationValue. It is initially set with the correct value and is also displayed correctly in the output. As soon as the loop function is restarted, the value of the variable is wrong, although it is not rewritten. Can someone help me please? The following values are printed in the image:
- new AI value
- wrong calibrationValue (!)
- sumOfValues (needed for calculation of calibrationValue) correct
- numValues (needed for calculation of calibrationValue) correct
- Text and calibrationValue (correct!)
int op_mode_Pin = 7; // Digital input Pin which transmittes the op_mode_Ardui
int op_mode_Ardui; // Operator Mode of Arduino
int returnValue1 = 12; // First digital return value for transmitting box weight
int returnValue2 = 13; // Second digital return value for transmitting box weight
int sensorPin = A0; // Select the input pin for the potentiometer
long weightValue = 0; // Variable to store the value from the sensor
long calibrationValue = 0; // Value which is filled in calibration progress
int numValues = 50; // Number of taken values for calculating an average
int thresBoxWeight = 300; // Weight for separating heavy and light boxes
unsigned long sumOfValues; // Sum of the taken values
unsigned long aveOfValues; // Average of the values
char stringBuffer[30]; // Buffer for combining string and variables
void setup() {
// Initiate serial communication to screen
// Initiate some variables
//weightValue = 0;
//calibrationValue = 0;
//numValues = 50;
//thresBoxWeight = 300;
// Set the Input Pins for op_mode_Ardui
pinMode(op_mode_Pin, INPUT); // sets the digital pin 7 as input
// Set the Output Pins for Box declaration
pinMode(returnValue1, OUTPUT); // sets the digital pin 12 as output
pinMode(returnValue2, OUTPUT); // sets the digital pin 13 as output
void loop() {
// Reset of Sum and Average variables for next cycle
sumOfValues = 0;
aveOfValues = 0;
op_mode_Ardui = digitalRead(op_mode_Pin);
if (op_mode_Ardui == HIGH){
for (int i=0; i<numValues; i++){
weightValue = analogRead(sensorPin); // read the value from the sensor
sumOfValues = sumOfValues + weightValue; // Build the sum of all values
calibrationValue = sumOfValues / numValues;
sprintf(stringBuffer, "Calibration accomplished with value: %d", calibrationValue); // Combine text and variable to output
Serial.println(stringBuffer); // print text and variable to screen