Over the past few months, I've been working on a wearable computer mouse using an Arduino and a 9-dof sensor. Most of the sketch is complete, and works as expected.
Recently, I started investigating how to enable a non-technical user to adjust the sensitivity of the device. Currently, I do this by changing a couple of variables in the sketch. My goal is to be able to create a basic GUI, with some buttons (perhaps unsurprisingly), to accomplish the same.
- ability to adjust sensitivity (couple of variables inside sketch) of arduino device through a GUI
- does not slow down sketch (I read that you can use serial, but wouldn't constantly checking for serial slow down the operation of the microcontroller?)
- can be saved as an executable (easy to set up for a nonprogrammer)
It's fine for the solution to upload a new sketch to the microcontroller, or change variables in the EEPROM. Whatever you suggest is best. I came across this, and a few other similar topics, but due to my inexperience was unable to judge whether that's the best way forward.
I'm not looking for a complete solution, of course. Rather, I would really appreciate any guidance on what the basic "structure" of the solution should be. Then I can determine which parts I can do myself, and which I'll need to seek help on.
Thank you very much for looking at this.