It should preferable also have the ability to simulate an Arduino.
As said in the comments, only simulating the Arduino is mostly not enough, because you would also need to simulate all the connected components. Just simulating the Arduino is a rather hard task. You can find Arduino simulators, but they always only support a rather small collection of additional hardware (mostly things like switches, LEDs, buzzers, ...). I guess the proprietary libraries, that you use, are for connecting to some extra devices (maybe are also proprietary), which will be rather complex. These devices will most likely not be supported by any of the Arduino simulators.
Also: Arduino is a beginner and fast prototyping platform. The ones, that do professional things like designing a product (which are mostly the ones, that need such test suites), will fastly move away from the Arduino platform to program an abstraction layer lower directly on the AVR platform. So why would those people need a test suite for Arduino?
Simulating electronic circuits can be really difficult, so you won't see a program, that can handle all of your circuit, including the complex parts like sensors with communication interface. That means, that you can only test your circuit and the corresponding code (which interacts with the circuit) in the real hardware. Some IDEs (like PlatformIO) might give you the possibility, to write test sketches, but you would still need to upload them to the real hardware and observe the results yourself.
Code, that is independent from the Arduino hardware, could be unit tested on the PC, but that is mostly not the case, since Arduino/microcontrollers are so hardware near. Of course, you could write mocking code for the Arduino parts, but that is often even more tedious, than just using the hardware.
As no real Arduino testing framework exists, you are down to writing own testsketches and using a good IDE (not the Arduino IDE) to organize them.