i work on a group project with an ESP32. We have a lcd display and a sd card connected via the two SPI ports of the ESP32.

The card gets initialized with no problem using this code:

 bool EKG_recording::initialisation_sd() {

  SPIClass * hspi = new SPIClass(HSPI);

  if (!SD.begin(CS_Pin, *hspi))
    Serial.println("No valid SD card!");
    return 0;

  else if (SD.begin(CS_Pin, *hspi))
    Serial.println("SD card initialized!");
    return 1;
  else return 0;

One function i have a problem with is used to count every file on the SD card, simple enough right?

unsigned short EKG_recording::count_files_from_SD(File dir) {
  while (true)
    File entry = dir.openNextFile();
    if (!entry)
      // Serial.println("Anzahl der Daten");
      return counter;

It once worked without a problem, then we integrated the two SPI ports and now i cant figure out why its not working. This part: File entry = dir.openNextFile(); returns false on the first call even though i am 100% sure there are 3 files on the SD card.

I call the function like this :

File root = SD.open("/"); EKG_recording_1.count_files_from_SD(root);

But why? Any help is very appreciated.

This is the begin function of the display. Since i didnt write it, i know next to nothing about it.

    void EKG_display_control::begin()
  // Backgroundlight off
  pinMode(TFT_LED, OUTPUT);

  // Initialise Display



The MC+SD Adapter

  • i use a sd adapter, connected via wires to the pins of the ESP32, also added the pinout
    – Xenoshell
    Commented Jan 11, 2020 at 17:33
  • Its just a SD adapter you can also plug into a PC or Laptop. I soldered some pins to it and connected those with the pins of the ESP32
    – Xenoshell
    Commented Jan 11, 2020 at 17:40
  • I also edited the begin function of the display into the main post
    – Xenoshell
    Commented Jan 11, 2020 at 17:45
  • ok. how is SPI for the display initialized? I guess it uses the default SPI object. so everything looks ok.
    – Juraj
    Commented Jan 11, 2020 at 17:47
  • I asked my team member and she said the display uses the default SPI
    – Xenoshell
    Commented Jan 11, 2020 at 18:18

1 Answer 1


Ok i found the solution. It was not too complicated. I just assumed the problem was in the code. This works well enough (dont ask me about the counter--)

  unsigned short EKG_recording::count_files_from_SD() {

  root = SD.open("/");
  root.rewindDirectory(); //Sets to beginning of directory

  while (true)
    File entry = root.openNextFile();

      Serial.println("Anzahl der Daten");
      return counter;

It was just because i used SD.open() always inside the class-functions, so every file root was bound to the class.

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