I just bought a Arduino Uni Wifi Rev. 2, with the itention of doing over the air uploads to the devices.

By reading the official Gettings started with the Arduino Uno Wifi guide, I thought the process was just to power the devices, connect to the SSID, then browse to it's IP and set it up.

But it seems like this is not the case, and that others have made this same mistake. This Arduino device doesn't create network by default, we have to upload a sketch that connects to our wifi.

So I have two questions.

  1. What Arduino board are they referencing in the guide linked above, that we can just connect to out of the box?
  2. How can I get OTA support for my particular board?
  • have you gone through this? arduino.cc/en/Guide/ArduinoUnoWiFi
    – Sim Son
    Commented Dec 6, 2019 at 17:17
  • @SimSon Yes. That's the article I linked to in my post. It's only for Arduino Uno Rev. 1 it looks like.
    – eivindml
    Commented Dec 6, 2019 at 18:12

1 Answer 1


What Arduino board are they referencing in the guide linked above, that we can just connect to out of the box?

The first Uno WiFi was made in 2016 by arduino.org. It is retired and not available in stores.

How can I get OTA support for my particular board?

The OTA support for Uno WiFi Rev. 2 is ready or almost ready, but the required additions are not merged in GitHub firmware and library repository even if they wait some months now. It looks like Arduino focuses on something else.


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