I made a Arduino program to control my air conditioner(model:GREE Lomo) by PC. I download IRremote library from here for that.

#include "IRremote.h"

IRsend irsend;
int irPin = 3; // pin IR led

int khz = 38; // 38kHz carrier frequency for the NEC protocol

const unsigned int irSignalOn[] = {8972, 4492, 644, 1664, 640, 564, 644, 564, 640, 1668, 636, 568, 640, 1664, 644, 560, 644,
                               560, 644, 564, 640, 564, 644, 560, 644, 1664, 640, 564, 644, 564, 640, 564, 640, 1668, 640, 1664, 640, 564, 644,
                               1664, 640, 564, 644, 564, 640, 1668, 640, 1664, 640, 564, 644, 564, 640, 564, 640, 564, 644, 564, 640, 1664, 644,
                               560, 644, 1664, 640, 564, 644, 564, 640, 1668, 640, 560, 644, 19980, 640, 564, 644, 1664, 640, 1668, 640, 564, 640,
                               564, 644, 1660, 644, 560, 644, 564, 644, 560, 644, 564, 640, 564, 644, 560, 644, 564, 640, 1664, 640, 564, 644, 564,
                               640, 564, 640, 564, 644, 564, 640, 564, 644, 560, 644, 564, 640, 564, 644, 564, 640, 564, 640, 564, 644, 560, 644, 564,
                               640, 564, 640, 564, 644, 1664, 640, 564, 644, 39972, 8976, 4496, 640, 1664, 644, 560, 644, 564, 640, 1668, 640, 564, 640,
                               1668, 640, 564, 640, 564, 644, 560, 644, 564, 640, 564, 644, 1664, 640, 564, 644, 564, 640, 564, 644, 1664, 640, 1668, 640,
                               564, 640, 1668, 640, 564, 640, 564, 644, 1668, 636, 1668, 640, 564, 640, 564, 640, 564, 644, 560, 644, 564, 644, 560, 644,
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                               564, 644, 564, 640, 564, 640, 1668, 640, 564, 640, 564, 640, 568, 640, 1664, 640, 564, 640, 564, 644, 564, 640, 1692, 616,
                               1664, 640, 564, 640, 1664, 640, 39980, 8972, 4492, 644, 1664, 640, 568, 636, 564, 644, 1664, 640, 564, 640, 1668, 640, 564,
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                               644, 560, 644, 564, 640, 1668, 640, 560, 644, 19984, 640, 564, 644, 560, 644, 564, 640, 564, 640, 564, 640, 564, 644, 564, 640,
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                               640, 1664, 640, 1668, 640, 564, 640, 564, 640, 564, 644, 564, 640, 568, 640, 560, 644, 1668, 640, 1664, 640, 564, 640, 564, 644

const unsigned int irSignalOff[] = {8996, 4496, 640, 1688, 616, 568, 636, 568, 640, 568, 636, 568, 640, 1688, 616, 568, 640, 564, 640, 564, 640, 564, 644, 564,
                                640, 1688, 616, 1692, 616, 568, 640, 568, 636, 1668, 640, 1688, 616, 1692, 616, 568, 636, 568, 640, 564, 640, 1692, 616,
                                568, 636, 568, 636, 568, 640, 564, 640, 568, 636, 568, 640, 1688, 616, 564, 640, 1692, 616, 568, 636, 564, 640, 1672, 636,
                                564, 644, 19980, 640, 568, 636, 1692, 616, 1688, 616, 568, 636, 568, 640, 1688, 616, 572, 636, 564, 640, 568, 640, 564, 640,
                                568, 636, 568, 636, 568, 640, 1688, 616, 568, 640, 564, 640, 568, 636, 564, 640, 568, 640, 564, 640, 564, 640, 568, 640, 568,
                                636, 568, 636, 568, 640, 564, 640, 564, 640, 568, 636, 568, 640, 1688, 616, 568, 636, 1692, 616, 39980, 8972, 4496, 640, 1688,
                                616, 568, 636, 568, 640, 568, 636, 568, 636, 1692, 616, 564, 640, 568, 640, 564, 640, 564, 640, 568, 640, 1688, 616, 1692, 612,
                                568, 640, 564, 640, 1692, 612, 1692, 616, 1692, 616, 564, 640, 568, 640, 564, 640, 1692, 612, 568, 640, 568, 636, 568, 636, 568,
                                640, 564, 640, 564, 640, 568, 640, 1692, 612, 1692, 616, 568, 640, 564, 640, 1688, 616, 568, 636, 19984, 640, 564, 640, 568, 640,
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                                564, 640, 1692, 616, 1668, 632, 568, 640, 39980, 8972, 4500, 640, 1688, 616, 568, 636, 568, 640, 564, 640, 568, 636, 1668, 640, 568,
                                636, 568, 640, 568, 636, 564, 640, 568, 636, 1692, 616, 1688, 616, 568, 636, 568, 640, 1668, 636, 1688, 620, 1692, 612, 568, 640, 564,
                                640, 564, 640, 1692, 612, 568, 640, 564, 644, 564, 640, 564, 640, 552, 652, 568, 640, 1688, 616, 1688, 616, 1692, 616, 564, 640, 568,
                                640, 1664, 640, 564, 640, 19988, 636, 568, 640, 564, 640, 568, 636, 568, 640, 564, 640, 568, 636, 568, 640, 564, 640, 564, 640, 568,
                                636, 568, 640, 568, 636, 568, 640, 568, 640, 564, 636, 568, 640, 568, 636, 568, 636, 568, 636, 568, 640, 1668, 636, 1692, 616, 568,
                                640, 564, 640, 564, 640, 568, 636, 568, 640, 564, 640, 1692, 616, 564, 640, 568, 636, 1692, 616

void setup() {
  pinMode(irPin, OUTPUT);

void loop() {

  if (Serial.available() > 0) {
    char letter = Serial.read();
    if (letter == '1') {
      irsend.sendRaw(irSignalOn, sizeof(irSignalOn) / sizeof(irSignalOn[0]), khz); //Note the approach used to automatically calculate the size of the array.
    } else if (letter == '0') {
      irsend.sendRaw(irSignalOff, sizeof(irSignalOff) / sizeof(irSignalOff[0]), khz); //Note the approach used to automatically calculate the size of the array.

i got an error for arduino uno : Global variables use 2080 bytes (101%) of dynamic memory, leaving -32 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 2048 bytes.

how can i fix it?

EDIT 07/26:

I know with board like ATmega2560 problem will fix but I want use Arduino uno.

I tried to save my data at program memory but I don't know how to read that.

  • 1
    Search “PROGMEM”. Commented Jul 23, 2018 at 17:21
  • arduino.stackexchange.com/questions/54150/…
    – Juraj
    Commented Jul 23, 2018 at 17:24
  • what make and model of air conditioner?
    – jsotola
    Commented Jul 24, 2018 at 2:26
  • the signal data could be greatly reduced .... techdocs.altium.com/display/FPGA/…
    – jsotola
    Commented Jul 24, 2018 at 3:34
  • Re “I don't know how to read that”: 1. Search the Web for “Arduino PROGMEM”, or “AVR PROGMEM”. 2. Carefully read the resources you find, and try for yourself. 3. If you still can't after having given a genuine effort, then post here another question. Commented Jul 26, 2018 at 12:15

3 Answers 3


A solution is to move the tables into program memory (aka PROGMEM). Use the below:

const unsigned int irSignalOn[] PROGMEM = {

And modify the call to sendRaw() to sendRaw_P().

irsend.sendRaw_P(irSignalOn, sizeof(irSignalOn) / sizeof(irSignalOn[0]), khz);

For more information see the library documentation.


  • i used shirriff's IRremote library and compiler don't find sendRaw_P function ?
    – Morteza
    Commented Jul 26, 2018 at 6:14
  • @MortezaMirzai Please update your question with all relevant information. Commented Jul 26, 2018 at 10:58

not an answer

please try this

let me know if it turns on the A/C when you press 1

#include "IRremote.h"

IRsend irsend;
int irPin = 3; // pin IR led

int khz = 38; // 38kHz carrier frequency for the NEC protocol

void setup() {
  pinMode(irPin, OUTPUT);

void loop() {

  if (Serial.available() > 0) {
    char letter = Serial.read();
    if (letter == '1') {
      irsend.sendNEC(0x4A08D3052, 35);
      irsend.sendNEC(0x64040002,  32);
      irsend.sendNEC(0x4A08D3032, 35);
      irsend.sendNEC(0x0015888D,  32);
      irsend.sendNEC(0x4A08D3072, 35);
      irsend.sendNEC(0x00000C0C,  32);

  • I test that but it don't work. (maybe my fault) and compiler give a warning.
    – Morteza
    Commented Jul 26, 2018 at 6:20
  • that's it? .... compiler give a warning .... nothing about the warning? .... do you want help or not?
    – jsotola
    Commented Jul 27, 2018 at 1:50
  • warning: large integer implicitly truncated to unsigned type [-Woverflow] irsend.sendNEC(0x4A08D3052, 35);
    – Morteza
    Commented Jul 31, 2018 at 7:58

One can also jump to a Atmega1284P based board, with it's 16K of SRAM, 8x that of a '328P's 2K and 2x that of the Mega's 8K. Dual hardware serial ports too if your project should need one.

  • or an esp8266 for cheaper and with 4X the ram and dozens of times the flash...
    – dandavis
    Commented Jul 24, 2018 at 16:32
  • But limited to 3.3V operation, and I think much less current capability on the IO, if the project needs that.
    – CrossRoads
    Commented Jul 24, 2018 at 17:55

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