I made a Arduino program to control my air conditioner(model:GREE Lomo) by PC. I download IRremote library from here for that.
#include "IRremote.h"
IRsend irsend;
int irPin = 3; // pin IR led
int khz = 38; // 38kHz carrier frequency for the NEC protocol
const unsigned int irSignalOn[] = {8972, 4492, 644, 1664, 640, 564, 644, 564, 640, 1668, 636, 568, 640, 1664, 644, 560, 644,
560, 644, 564, 640, 564, 644, 560, 644, 1664, 640, 564, 644, 564, 640, 564, 640, 1668, 640, 1664, 640, 564, 644,
1664, 640, 564, 644, 564, 640, 1668, 640, 1664, 640, 564, 644, 564, 640, 564, 640, 564, 644, 564, 640, 1664, 644,
560, 644, 1664, 640, 564, 644, 564, 640, 1668, 640, 560, 644, 19980, 640, 564, 644, 1664, 640, 1668, 640, 564, 640,
564, 644, 1660, 644, 560, 644, 564, 644, 560, 644, 564, 640, 564, 644, 560, 644, 564, 640, 1664, 640, 564, 644, 564,
640, 564, 640, 564, 644, 564, 640, 564, 644, 560, 644, 564, 640, 564, 644, 564, 640, 564, 640, 564, 644, 560, 644, 564,
640, 564, 640, 564, 644, 1664, 640, 564, 644, 39972, 8976, 4496, 640, 1664, 644, 560, 644, 564, 640, 1668, 640, 564, 640,
1668, 640, 564, 640, 564, 644, 560, 644, 564, 640, 564, 644, 1664, 640, 564, 644, 564, 640, 564, 644, 1664, 640, 1668, 640,
564, 640, 1668, 640, 564, 640, 564, 644, 1668, 636, 1668, 640, 564, 640, 564, 640, 564, 644, 560, 644, 564, 644, 560, 644,
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564, 644, 560, 644, 564, 640, 564, 640, 564, 644, 564, 640, 1668, 636, 568, 640, 1664, 640, 564, 640, 1672, 636, 1664, 640,
564, 644, 564, 640, 564, 640, 1668, 640, 564, 640, 564, 640, 568, 640, 1664, 640, 564, 640, 564, 644, 564, 640, 1692, 616,
1664, 640, 564, 640, 1664, 640, 39980, 8972, 4492, 644, 1664, 640, 568, 636, 564, 644, 1664, 640, 564, 640, 1668, 640, 564,
640, 564, 644, 564, 640, 564, 640, 564, 640, 1668, 640, 564, 640, 568, 640, 560, 644, 1664, 640, 1664, 644, 564, 640, 1668,
640, 564, 640, 564, 644, 1660, 644, 1664, 640, 564, 644, 560, 644, 564, 640, 564, 640, 564, 644, 1664, 640, 1664, 644, 1664,
644, 560, 644, 564, 640, 1668, 640, 560, 644, 19984, 640, 564, 644, 560, 644, 564, 640, 564, 640, 564, 640, 564, 644, 564, 640,
564, 644, 564, 640, 564, 640, 564, 640, 568, 640, 564, 644, 560, 644, 564, 640, 564, 644, 560, 644, 564, 640, 564, 644, 564,
640, 1664, 640, 1668, 640, 564, 640, 564, 640, 564, 644, 564, 640, 568, 640, 560, 644, 1668, 640, 1664, 640, 564, 640, 564, 644
const unsigned int irSignalOff[] = {8996, 4496, 640, 1688, 616, 568, 636, 568, 640, 568, 636, 568, 640, 1688, 616, 568, 640, 564, 640, 564, 640, 564, 644, 564,
640, 1688, 616, 1692, 616, 568, 640, 568, 636, 1668, 640, 1688, 616, 1692, 616, 568, 636, 568, 640, 564, 640, 1692, 616,
568, 636, 568, 636, 568, 640, 564, 640, 568, 636, 568, 640, 1688, 616, 564, 640, 1692, 616, 568, 636, 564, 640, 1672, 636,
564, 644, 19980, 640, 568, 636, 1692, 616, 1688, 616, 568, 636, 568, 640, 1688, 616, 572, 636, 564, 640, 568, 640, 564, 640,
568, 636, 568, 636, 568, 640, 1688, 616, 568, 640, 564, 640, 568, 636, 564, 640, 568, 640, 564, 640, 564, 640, 568, 640, 568,
636, 568, 636, 568, 640, 564, 640, 564, 640, 568, 636, 568, 640, 1688, 616, 568, 636, 1692, 616, 39980, 8972, 4496, 640, 1688,
616, 568, 636, 568, 640, 568, 636, 568, 636, 1692, 616, 564, 640, 568, 640, 564, 640, 564, 640, 568, 640, 1688, 616, 1692, 612,
568, 640, 564, 640, 1692, 612, 1692, 616, 1692, 616, 564, 640, 568, 640, 564, 640, 1692, 612, 568, 640, 568, 636, 568, 636, 568,
640, 564, 640, 564, 640, 568, 640, 1692, 612, 1692, 616, 568, 640, 564, 640, 1688, 616, 568, 636, 19984, 640, 564, 640, 568, 640,
564, 640, 568, 636, 568, 636, 568, 640, 564, 640, 568, 636, 568, 640, 564, 640, 564, 644, 1688, 616, 568, 640, 564, 640, 568, 636,
568, 640, 564, 640, 568, 636, 1672, 636, 1692, 612, 568, 640, 564, 640, 568, 636, 568, 640, 1692, 612, 568, 640, 568, 636, 568, 640,
564, 640, 1692, 616, 1668, 632, 568, 640, 39980, 8972, 4500, 640, 1688, 616, 568, 636, 568, 640, 564, 640, 568, 636, 1668, 640, 568,
636, 568, 640, 568, 636, 564, 640, 568, 636, 1692, 616, 1688, 616, 568, 636, 568, 640, 1668, 636, 1688, 620, 1692, 612, 568, 640, 564,
640, 564, 640, 1692, 612, 568, 640, 564, 644, 564, 640, 564, 640, 552, 652, 568, 640, 1688, 616, 1688, 616, 1692, 616, 564, 640, 568,
640, 1664, 640, 564, 640, 19988, 636, 568, 640, 564, 640, 568, 636, 568, 640, 564, 640, 568, 636, 568, 640, 564, 640, 564, 640, 568,
636, 568, 640, 568, 636, 568, 640, 568, 640, 564, 636, 568, 640, 568, 636, 568, 636, 568, 636, 568, 640, 1668, 636, 1692, 616, 568,
640, 564, 640, 564, 640, 568, 636, 568, 640, 564, 640, 1692, 616, 564, 640, 568, 636, 1692, 616
void setup() {
pinMode(irPin, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
char letter = Serial.read();
if (letter == '1') {
irsend.sendRaw(irSignalOn, sizeof(irSignalOn) / sizeof(irSignalOn[0]), khz); //Note the approach used to automatically calculate the size of the array.
} else if (letter == '0') {
irsend.sendRaw(irSignalOff, sizeof(irSignalOff) / sizeof(irSignalOff[0]), khz); //Note the approach used to automatically calculate the size of the array.
i got an error for arduino uno : Global variables use 2080 bytes (101%) of dynamic memory, leaving -32 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 2048 bytes.
how can i fix it?
EDIT 07/26:
I know with board like ATmega2560 problem will fix but I want use Arduino uno.
I tried to save my data at program memory but I don't know how to read that.