I would like to read analog data with frequency sampling around 2 MHz and send it to PC to be processed with python for digital oscilloscope. I use Arduino Nano. I have found ADC (AD9057, PDF) that can handle up to 40 MSPS into 8 bits parallel, but I still face some problems
How could I read digital pin data quickly around 2-4 MHz? I read that it is possible using direct port manipulation.
How could I send the data to PC with that sampling rate? I know that the maximum baud rate of arduino is around 2.000.000 or let say 2 MegaBytes/s, so for 2 MHz sampling, i could only send one character per micro second, could it be more faster?
Thank you
) and push it into the UART registers. If that is not sufficient, get a better, faster microcontroller (ESP8266 / ESP32). Also this might interesting.