I'm working on dynamically adjusting the ESP8266 WiFi power using the following function, such that it's as low as possible, yet sufficiently reliable:
I've been trying unsuccessfully to find out what the original/default value is before that function is called? There is no function WiFi.getOutputPower(). I know the range of values is 0 to 20.5, but I'm curious to know what it is initially? I guess it could depend on the particular Arduino? I have the following: ESPduino, Wemos D1R2/D1R1/D1R1 mini, NodeMCU, Yun sheild.
I plan to use iwconfig & iwlist on a Pi3 to measure the RSSI, but I'd like to know the baseline if possible.
The best similar idea is expressed in here: : How to optimise TX power for ESP8266?
Thanks in advance ;-) Geoff