It would be easier to program led matrix if 1-8 pins corresponded to 1-8 rows and 9-16 pins corresponded to 1-8 columns. Instead there is the following arrangement: 8x8 led matrix pins to rows/columns arrangement

Why is it made like this?

1 Answer 1


It's probably easier to manufacture, other than that, I don't see why. If this is a serious issue, you can contact your manufacturer, since he is most likely to know why.

You can:

  1. Work around the issue, by wiring pin 1 to input 9, pin 2 to input 14 etc.
  2. Make a software solution like:

    #define ROW1 9

    #define ROW2 14

  3. Buy an LED-matrix that has the pins in the correct order (check the datasheet before purchase).

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