I'm trying to find the I2C address of an IMU plugged into my Arduino using the code from this URL: http://playground.arduino.cc/Main/I2cScanner. However, the program stalls at this stage:
Why could this be happening?
I'm trying to find the I2C address of an IMU plugged into my Arduino using the code from this URL: http://playground.arduino.cc/Main/I2cScanner. However, the program stalls at this stage:
Why could this be happening?
When the I2C scanner stops, it halts in the function Wire.endTransmission. The cause is a hardware problem of the I2C bus. For example the SDA or SCL are shortcut to something or pull-up resistors are missing (as already mentioned by TisteAndii) or the sensor module is not powered.
I assume that the IMU module has already pull-up resistors for SDA and SCL on the module. Which IMU module is it ? How did you connect it ? Do you have other I2C modules to test the I2C bus ?