I'm currently working on an Arduino project that sends the charge of my car battery once a day via an ESP8266 to me. During the winter I don't drive my car, and I would like to get informed when the battery drops beyond a critical value, so I can charge it and prevent damage.
So energy efficiency is important for the project, so it doesn't discharge the battery itself. I read a lot about sleep mode, efficient drop down regulators etc. These all have in common that the voltage regulator is always running, which is not what I want.
I'm looking for some kind of "swich-on-timer circuit". It should count down 24 hours and then turn on a relay or MOSFET, which connects the voltage regulator to power and with that turns on the Arduino and the ESP8266. When the Arduino has finished with the transmission, it resets the timer, which disconnects the voltage regulator from power, and so on. Of course, the timer circuit should use only very little power.
Does anybody know a circuit like that? I searched on AliExpress with all variations of words that came to my mind, without success. Or maybe an IC which can be used (easily) to create such a circuit?