I started a new project with an ESP8266-01 module. I want to use it as stand-alone circuit to send an Email at the press of a button.

The wiring is:

  • VCC - 3.3v VCC
  • CH_PD - 3.3v VCC
  • GND - GND
  • GPIO_2 - Push down button (internal pullup)

I've the sketch (Arduino IDE), I've upload it and it essentially works. However:

  • If I call the sendEmail(); method inside the void setup(){}, it works like a charm.
  • If I add an push down button on Pin #2 (GPIO_2) it only works if I previously have removed VCC from the CH_PD pin and reattached it again shortly after.

Now, I would bet I read something regarding (or similar) this situation a couple of days back, but I am unable to find it again, now that I need it.

Is there a solution for this or am I missing something?

Any help will be greatly appreciate it!

Thanks in advance!

  • The GPIO0 and GPIO2 determine what mode the module starts up. GPIO0 and GPIO2 need to have pull-up resistors connected to ensure the module starts up correctly. You can also use RX pin for the button.
    – AltAir
    Commented Dec 1, 2017 at 22:28
  • Thanks @AltAir for your response. I've followed step #4 of this instructable instructables.com/id/How-to-use-the-ESP8266-01-pins but still doesn't work as I needed it to... Commented Dec 2, 2017 at 10:08
  • You can try a bulk capacitor between VCC and GND close to the module.
    – AltAir
    Commented Dec 2, 2017 at 14:38

1 Answer 1


Well, after literally spending hours trying to figure out what the heck is going on, I decided to test the setup with a ESP8266-12 NodeMcu, which is essentially the same but more resembling to an Arduino in that it has more in/out pins and it's better for testing.

On this platform I got a different behavior. I was able to send an Email by the push of the button but... only once. So apparently, contrary to what I believed, something was wrong with the code.

In the code there is this method, which essentially initiates the WiFi connection:

void initializeWifi(){

  WiFi.begin(WIFI, PASSWORD);

  // allow time to make connection
 while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED)  delay(5000);


Somehow the delay(5000); didn't seem right as delay usually freezes the whole thing. When I commented out the line, everything worked as expected. With the NodeMcu as well as with the ESP8266-01.

However, I still have to figure out how to give time to the WiFi to connect without freezing out all together. Probably it's the time for millis();

I hope this becomes useful to somebody else in the future.

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