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For questions about NodeMCU, an open source IoT platform which includes firmware for running on the ESP8266.

0 votes

The code is working fine with Arduino Uno but not with NodeMCU

It is an issue in esp8266 Arduino core. It is hard to explain, but here is a workaround for you: In MPU6050_Wrapper.h change word __FlashStringHelper to char for function halt to be void halt(const c …
Juraj's user avatar
  • 18.2k
2 votes

NodeMCU backup sketch is 'avrdude' for the esp8266. it can read the flash too. but you must know the addresses. tha first copy of the application always start at address 0x1000. the length of the application are …
Juraj's user avatar
  • 18.2k
2 votes

Reset NodeMCU master from Arduino slave

There is no need for a voltage divider or a level conversion on the reset pin of the esp8266. The esp8266 has internal pull-up on reset pin. To reset the esp8266 the reset pin must be connected to gro …
Juraj's user avatar
  • 18.2k
3 votes

Is an Arduino Uno required to send any sort of command to a NodeMCU?

With erase_flash you deleted the AT firmware from flash. You can load it back with esptool or with Flash Download Tool (Windows only). AT firmware download page Addresses for 4 megabyte flash (more …
Juraj's user avatar
  • 18.2k
0 votes

NodeMCU (ESP8266) Defining static IP, stops Firebase processing

You have wrong DNS server IP address. In your sketch it is the same as the static IP address you assign to esp. Then the name of the firebase host can't be resolved by DNS. The DNS server is usually …
Juraj's user avatar
  • 18.2k
2 votes

Why I get error on string concatination?

The operators of the class String apply only for an instance of String. In your expression you concatenate two c-strings "POST" + "\n"
Juraj's user avatar
  • 18.2k
1 vote

Arduino does not see data from nodemcu

the newline characters from println (\r\n) stay in the serial input buffer and you read them with Serial.readStringUntil(':');. then the string is not "servo" but "\r\nservo" if you wait one second w …
Juraj's user avatar
  • 18.2k
0 votes

How to post data to database using nodeMCU?

HTTP requires \r\n as line ending. println adds \r\n. So to print the host name to client use println and remove \n from the string. And replace client.print("\n\n") with client.println(); client.prin …
Juraj's user avatar
  • 18.2k
1 vote

How can I connect nodemcu with laptop wifi

Configure and activate the access point mode on NodeMCU. It creates a WiFi network and you can connect to this network with your computer. …
Juraj's user avatar
  • 18.2k
0 votes

Circuit diagram for ACS712 and ZMPT101B with ESP8266 using ADS1115

The ADS1115 use I2C a.k.a. Wire to communicate with MCU. Default Wire pins on esp8266 are io 5 SCL and io4 SCA. I recommend to use this pins. Of course the module needs 3.3 V and ground.
Juraj's user avatar
  • 18.2k
2 votes

I2C interference SENSOR(SCL+SDA) and MasterSlave comm

The Adafruit BMP280 library uses the Wire library. It calls begin() at default pins (D1, D2). And then you begin() the same Wire object at different pins. From that moment the BMP280 library can't com …
Juraj's user avatar
  • 18.2k
1 vote

OTA push sketch to NodeMCU

Arduino IDE supports upload to a network port. Network ports are detected with mDns and made available in Tools>Port menu. The ArduinoOTA library bundled with the esp8266 Arduino boards package suppo …
Juraj's user avatar
  • 18.2k
1 vote

Unable to use DHT11 with NodeMCU(esp8266)

The board (NodeMCU in this case) has pull-up resistor on io0 and io2 and a pull-down resistor on pin 15. The MCU pins io0, io2 and io16 are the NodeMCU pin D3, D4 and D8. … NodeMCU and "Wemos D1 R2 and Mini" esp8266 pins and io overview Serial RX io1 RX0 TX io3 TX0 boot config pins with pullup or pulldown on board D3 io0 PULLUP (LOW for boot to flashing mode) D4 …
Juraj's user avatar
  • 18.2k
3 votes

NodeMCU wiring for Serial1?

You can do Serial.swap() in setup() to swap Serial away from RX/TX pin. Serial is then on D7 as RX and D8 as TX (and you can wire some serial module there). Bridge with jumper wire D4 pin with TX pi …
Juraj's user avatar
  • 18.2k
2 votes

NodeMCU does not connect to wifi

If your WiFi network doesn't have DHCP, then you must set the IP addresses example: IPAddress ip(192, 168, 1, 8); IPAddress gw(192, 168, 1, 1); IPAddress sn(255, 255, 255, 0); WiFi.config(ip …
Juraj's user avatar
  • 18.2k

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