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Can't exit while loop

I made code to make 2 servos work. the sequence of working is to make the servo 1 start rotate 2 cycles then stop and the second servo start rotate for another 2 cycles then detach both of them. I ...
Salma's user avatar
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Rotating Servo Motor using Arduino

Using arduino, I'm trying to rotate a 360 servo that will move clockwise 5 seconds,pause and counterclockwise for 5 seconds and then completely stop. However, my servo just continuously keeps on ...
Asif's user avatar
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How can I stop my servo looping when my sensor doesn't detect movement?

I have this project with my Arduino UNO where I want my servo motor SG90 to go full speed to 180 degrees when the PIR sensor sends HIGH value and go slowly back to zero when the value is LOW. I have ...
Nathan Ghali's user avatar
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Servo Program Questions

Hi programming in arduino, I am trying to get a nested for loop inside a for loop with industrial servo which used PUL +- DIR+- (bought motor off amazon). My goal is to get the puls delay to increase....
chas stevens's user avatar