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Why the unsigned long is overflowing?

I want to convert hour to seconds but unsigned long is overflowing, here's the code: #include <Wire.h> #include <DS3231.h> RTClib myRTC; unsigned long seconds; char timestr[9]; void ...
ElectronSurf's user avatar
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Arduino unable to wake up using interrupt after sending SMS

my use case is that I am building a distance sensor using Arduino Uno. The idea is when the distance is between a threshold, an SMS is sent from the device. I am using DS3231, SIM800L, and HCSR04 for ...
TechMky's user avatar
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Set control register to low in ds3231 rtc

I have been using ds3231 rtc module for keep tracking and make alarm along with backup battery. when I used it for first time it worked fine. but now it doesn't keep track my time when the power lose ...
Sharifdeen Ashshak's user avatar
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Real Time clock module error-DS3231

This is not a code error I have been using DS3231 RTC module with battery. When I bought this module It worked perfectly now when I get it to use, The time is running perfectly. when I set the current ...
Sharifdeen Ashshak's user avatar
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ds3231 rtc module weekly alarm

I have a ds3231 and Arduino UNO and I need to get an interrupt from ds3231 once a week for example every Fridays. I've searched a lot in the internet and forums but did not find any library or code ...
sepehr's user avatar
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Serial Monitor shows random texts While Reading Data from RTC DS3231 with Arduino Uno

I tried to set time on a RTC DS3231. After Uploading it with Arduino IDE, I try viewing the output in the Serial Monitor. However, if I start viewing the Serial Monitor, It starts showing encrypted ...
Swet's user avatar
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Maintaining time in Arduino

I am working on development of alarm clock using Arduino. No doubt RTC will be the best but it increases the Price of the project. Also I opened a digital clock (which I purchased online) and I see ...
muphy's user avatar
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How to only detect the opening and closing of door sensor once

im quite new to Arduino coding. Currently im trying to create an alarm and when the alarm ring, the user will just need to remove the door sensor once to stop the alarm and listen for the next alarm. ...
ZQ7's user avatar
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Using RTC DS3231 + Arduino UNO to calculate time lapsed [closed]

I am a beginner with no coding background. I am trying to figure out an alarm that tells people how long they have been sitting on their chair. The concept is very simple when the person would sit in ...
ashish chaudhary's user avatar