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2 votes
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Software serial communication problem between ESP8266 and Arduino Mega for plant monitoring system (using Blynk IoT)

We're using the ESP8266 to receive data from the Arduino Mega board, where our sensors are connected. Supposedly, our ESP is connected to the Blynk App. However, the values showing up in our dashboard ...
1 vote
0 answers

Arduino wait for incomming data from blynk terminal [duplicate]

I need to add wait command in code where it waits the next input value from blynk terminal to arduino? How can I do that? please help, I will appreciate your help, Thank you. Here is my code ...
1 vote
0 answers

Read from Blynk terminal number to arduino

I have a problem in sending numbers from blynk terminal to arduino serial monitor. When I send any number from blynk terminal the arduino always getting 1. How can I get any number please help me. ...