EEPROM can store one byte at a location. To store Integer variable, it requires two consecutive location. For Double, it requires four consecutive memory location. I have written function to store and read, int & double to and from built-in EEPROM. As per your question, you can modify it as per your need.
Actually this answer was copied from another thread.
StackExchange Question: "How to Store 2 analogRead values and read using EEPROM for Arduino uno?"
Question Id: 15910 (
Author: Anurag S. Vasanwala ([email protected])
Tested on Arduino Version 1.6.7
Description: This sketch helps to store and read, Integer & Double to and from built-in EEPROM.
+ Write Integer @ Specified Address (Fn: EEPROM_Write_Int)
+ Conversion from Integer to Byte Array
+ Store Bytes
+ Read Integer from Specified Address (Fn: EEPROM_Read_Int)
+ Read Bytes
+ Conversion from Byte Array to Integer
+ Write Double @ Specified Address (Fn: EEPROM_Write_Double)
+ Conversion from Double to Byte Array
+ Store Bytes
+ Read Double from Specified Address (Fn: EEPROM_Read_Double)
+ Read Bytes
+ Conversion from Byte Array to Double
#include <EEPROM.h>
// MACRO : Combines FROM_BYTES into TO_OBJECT of datatype "DATATYPE"
#define CombineBytes(FROM_BYTES, DATATYPE, TO_OBJECT) \
// MACRO : Splits FROM_DATA of DATATYPE into equivalent byte array TO_BYTES
// Writes Integer's equivalent bytes to Address and Address + 1
void EEPROM_Write_Int(unsigned int Address, int Data)
// Get the size of datatype to write number of bytes
const byte SizeOf_DataType = sizeof(int);
// Create tem buffer to get Bytes of Datatype
byte Temp_Buffer[SizeOf_DataType];
// Call macro to store byte array into Temp_Buffer from Data
GetBytes(Data, int, Temp_Buffer);
// Write number of bytes to memory location specified in Address and so on
for(byte Index = 0; Index < SizeOf_DataType; Index++)
EEPROM.write(Address + Index, Temp_Buffer[Index]);
// Reads two bytes from Address and Address + 1 and returns equivalent int
int EEPROM_Read_Int(unsigned int Address)
// Get the size of datatype to write number of bytes
const byte SizeOf_DataType = sizeof(int);
// Create tem buffer to get Bytes of Datatype
byte Temp_Buffer[SizeOf_DataType];
int Result;
// Read number of bytes from memory location
for(byte Index = 0; Index < SizeOf_DataType; Index++)
Temp_Buffer[Index] = + Index);
// Call macro to combine bytes into equivalent to int
CombineBytes(Temp_Buffer, int, Result);
return Result;
// Writes Double's equivalent bytes to Address, Address + 1, Address + 2 and Address + 3
void EEPROM_Write_Double(unsigned int Address, double Data)
// Get the size of datatype to write number of bytes
const byte SizeOf_DataType = sizeof(double);
// Create tem buffer to get Bytes of Datatype
byte Temp_Buffer[SizeOf_DataType];
// Call macro to store byte array into Temp_Buffer from Data
GetBytes(Data, double, Temp_Buffer);
// Write number of bytes to memory location specified in Address and so on
for(byte Index = 0; Index < SizeOf_DataType; Index++)
EEPROM.write(Address + Index, Temp_Buffer[Index]);
// Reads four bytes from Address, Address + 1, Address + 2 and Address + 3 and returns equivalent double
double EEPROM_Read_Double(unsigned int Address)
// Get the size of datatype to write number of bytes
const byte SizeOf_DataType = sizeof(double);
// Create tem buffer to get Bytes of Datatype
byte Temp_Buffer[SizeOf_DataType];
double Result;
// Read number of bytes from memory location
for(byte Index = 0; Index < SizeOf_DataType; Index++)
Temp_Buffer[Index] = + Index);
// Call macro to combine bytes into equivalent to double
CombineBytes(Temp_Buffer, double, Result);
return Result;
void setup()
// Initialize Serial @ 9600 baud
// Print size of datatype just for reference
/* Serial.print("Size of byte = ");
Serial.print("Size of int = ");
Serial.print("Size of float = ");
Serial.print("Size of double = ");
Serial.println(sizeof(double)); */
int myInt1 = -290;
int myInt2;
double myDbl1 = 23.41;
double myDbl2;
// Write myInt1 @ 100 memory location; It requires 2 consequtive memory location to store integer
EEPROM_Write_Int(100, myInt1);
// Read integer located @ memory location 100 and assign it to myInt2
myInt2 = EEPROM_Read_Int(100);
// Write myInt1 @ 200 memory location; it requires 4 consequtive memory location to store double
EEPROM_Write_Double(200, myDbl1);
// Read double located @ memory location 200 and assign it to myDbl2
myDbl2 = EEPROM_Read_Double(200);
void loop()
This code is successfully tested on Arduino Version "1.6.7".