I have a teensy4.1, with a 16 by 2 LCD screen, and an I2C LCD interface. I was trying to write a bunch of custom characters to an LCD screen, to flip some text.

my issue is that it works fine, but on only up to 8 custom characters. any more than that produces odd results. with a loop of 16, the first 8 characters are printed. should more than 8 characters be defined, only the last assigned are in use.

I commented out all but the first 8 custom characters, and iterates through them in a loop of 16 iterations. this loops over the start. -- I guess that works as I would expect. If I define more than 8 custom Characters, only the last 8 assigned will output.

Here is a picture of that in action: customChar limits to 8

here is my code:

#include <Adafruit_LiquidCrystal.h>
Adafruit_LiquidCrystal lcd(0);

//upside down char glyphs... default characters are 7x5 1 px w/space on the bottom
//these glyphs are 7x5 with space on the top 
byte uA[8] = {  B00000,  B10001,  B10001,  B10001,  B11111,  B10001,  B10001,  B01110};
byte uB[8] = {  B00000,  B01111,  B10001,  B10001,  B01111,  B10001,  B10001,  B01111};
byte uC[8] = {  B00000,  B01110,  B10001,  B00001,  B00001,  B00001,  B10001,  B01110};
byte uD[8] = {  B00000,  B00111,  B01001,  B10001,  B10001,  B10001,  B01001,  B00111};
byte uE[8] = {  B00000,  B11111,  B00001,  B00001,  B01111,  B00001,  B00001,  B11111};
byte uF[8] = {  B00000,  B00001,  B00001,  B00001,  B01111,  B00001,  B00001,  B11111};
byte uG[8] = {  B00000,  B11110,  B10001,  B10001,  B11101,  B00001,  B10001,  B01110};
byte uH[8] = {  B00000,  B10001,  B10001,  B10001,  B11111,  B10001,  B10001,  B10001};
byte uI[8] = {  B00000,  B01110,  B00100,  B00100,  B00100,  B00100,  B00100,  B01110};
byte uJ[8] = {  B00000,  B00110,  B01001,  B01000,  B01000,  B01000,  B01000,  B11100};
byte uK[8] = {  B00000,  B10001,  B01001,  B00101,  B00011,  B00101,  B01001,  B10001};
byte uL[8] = {  B00000,  B01111,  B00001,  B00001,  B00001,  B00001,  B00001,  B00001};
byte uM[8] = {  B00000,  B10001,  B10001,  B10001,  B10101,  B10101,  B11011,  B10001};
byte uN[8] = {  B00000,  B10001,  B10001,  B11001,  B10101,  B10011,  B10001,  B10001};
byte uO[8] = {  B00000,  B01110,  B10001,  B10001,  B10001,  B10001,  B10001,  B01110};
byte uP[8] = {  B00000,  B00001,  B00001,  B00001,  B01111,  B10001,  B10001,  B01111};
byte uQ[8] = {  B00000,  B10110,  B01001,  B10101,  B10001,  B10001,  B10001,  B01110};
byte uR[8] = {  B00000,  B10001,  B01001,  B00101,  B01111,  B10001,  B10001,  B01111};
byte uS[8] = {  B00000,  B01111,  B10000,  B10000,  B01110,  B00001,  B00001,  B11110};
byte uT[8] = {  B00000,  B00100,  B00100,  B00100,  B00100,  B00100,  B00100,  B11111};
byte uU[8] = {  B00000,  B01110,  B10001,  B10001,  B10001,  B10001,  B10001,  B10001};
byte uV[8] = {  B00000,  B00100,  B01010,  B10001,  B10001,  B10001,  B10001,  B10001};
byte uW[8] = {  B00000,  B01010,  B10101,  B10101,  B10101,  B10001,  B10001,  B10001};
byte uX[8] = {  B00000,  B10001,  B10001,  B01010,  B00100,  B01010,  B10001,  B10001};
byte uY[8] = {  B00000,  B00100,  B00100,  B00100,  B01010,  B10001,  B10001,  B10001};
byte uZ[8] = {  B00000,  B11111,  B00001,  B00010,  B00100,  B01000,  B10000,  B11111};
byte cornerA[]={B11111,B10000,B10000,B10000,B10000,B10000,B10000,B10000};//top left
byte cornerB[]={B10000,B10000,B10000,B10000,B10000,B10000,B10000,B11111};//btm left
byte cornerC[]={B11111,B00001,B00001,B00001,B00001,B00001,B00001,B00001};//top right
byte cornerD[]={B00001,B00001,B00001,B00001,B00001,B00001,B00001,B11111};//btm right
void flip(char *text);
void setup() {
  lcd.begin(16,2); // 
  //flipped characters
  //ascii coversion prolly like n+66
  //setCursor be like: (column, row) 16 cols, 2 rows, both start at 0
  for (int i=0; i<16;i++){
  lcd.write(i); //prints ABCDEFGHABCDEFGH
  delay (500);
  lcd.print("LIMIT 8 CHARS?");

void loop() {}

I would like to make more than 8 customChars, am I approaching this correctly? is there a limit somewhere I can change?

  • Note that some letters need not be flipped: HINOSXZ. For others, you could use lookalikes: MW, Pd, bp, dq... Commented Apr 24, 2022 at 18:27
  • @EdgarBonet: And (depending on the character set in the particular device used) there may be other usable characters too. Most HD44780 displays have some katakana characters, so eg E may also be usable.
    – psmears
    Commented Apr 25, 2022 at 10:54

1 Answer 1


These displays only allow up to 8 custom defined characters. The hardware just only has the character RAM for at most 8 characters. They will be mapped to char codes 0 to 7 and 8 to 15. The character code 8 always prints the same character as code 0, 9 as 1 and so on.

So no, there is no way to use more than 8 custom characters at once. Of course, you can change the characters dynamically, so that a certain location of the screen always shows a changing custom character icon.

  • 1
    Bloody hell, its in the datasheet. I tried modding the library first, and that did not work. cdn-shop.adafruit.com/datasheets/HD44780.pdf
    – j0h
    Commented Apr 24, 2022 at 17:59
  • Yea, you can modify the library, but you can't modify the hardware...
    – PMF
    Commented Apr 24, 2022 at 18:24

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