For a larger sketch, I have separated a chunk of code in a separate .cpp file
#include "msg.h"
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <HTTPClient.h>
#include <ArduinoJson.h>
void parseResponse(String &payload, float &temp, float &wind, int &pressure, int &humid, float &feel, int &uv)
String json = payload;
// Serial.println(json); // enable to debug
StaticJsonDocument<128> filter;
JsonObject filter_current = filter.createNestedObject("current");
filter_current["temp_c"] = true;
filter_current["wind_mph"] = true;
filter_current["pressure_mb"] = true;
filter_current["precip_in"] = true;
filter_current["humidity"] = true;
filter_current["feelslike_c"] = true;
filter_current["uv"] = true;
StaticJsonDocument<256> doc;
// Deseriliaze and display error description if there is any
DeserializationError error = deserializeJson(doc, json, DeserializationOption::Filter(filter));
if (error)
Serial.print("deserializeJson() failed: ");
JsonObject current = doc["current"];
temp = current["temp_c"]; // 80
wind = current["wind_mph"]; // 5.6
pressure = current["pressure_mb"]; // 1005
humid = current["humidity"]; // 93
feel = current["feelslike_c"]; // 6.9
uv = current["uv"]; // 1
together with its header file as below:
#ifndef MSG_H
#define MSG_H
void parseResponse(String &payload, float &temp, float &wind, int &pressure, int &humid, float &feel, int &uv);
I have included all the relevant libraries in the .cpp files. However, when I try to compile the code I get multiple errors such as
In file included from src/weatherapi.cpp:1:0:
include/weatherapi.h:4:17: error: variable or field 'getRequest' declared void
void getRequest(String &payload);
include/weatherapi.h:4:17: error: 'String' was not declared in this scope
include/weatherapi.h:4:25: error: 'payload' was not declared in this scope
void getRequest(String &payload);
Archiving .pio\build\lolin32\liba47\libPubSubClient.a
In file included from src/msg.cpp:1:0:
include/msg.h:4:20: error: variable or field 'parseResponse' declared void
void parseResponse(String &payload, float &temp, float &wind, int &pressure, int &humid, float &feel, int &uv);
include/msg.h:4:20: error: 'String' was not declared in this scope
include/msg.h:4:28: error: 'payload' was not declared in this scope
void parseResponse(String &payload, float &temp, float &wind, int &pressure, int &humid, float &feel, int &uv);
include/msg.h:4:37: error: expected primary-expression before 'float'
void parseResponse(String &payload, float &temp, float &wind, int &pressure, int &humid, float &feel, int &uv);
include/msg.h:4:50: error: expected primary-expression before 'float'
void parseResponse(String &payload, float &temp, float &wind, int &pressure, int &humid, float &feel, int &uv);
include/msg.h:4:63: error: expected primary-expression before 'int'
void parseResponse(String &payload, float &temp, float &wind, int &pressure, int &humid, float &feel, int &uv);
include/msg.h:4:78: error: expected primary-expression before 'int'
void parseResponse(String &payload, float &temp, float &wind, int &pressure, int &humid, float &feel, int &uv);
include/msg.h:4:90: error: expected primary-expression before 'float'
void parseResponse(String &payload, float &temp, float &wind, int &pressure, int &humid, float &feel, int &uv);
include/msg.h:4:103: error: expected primary-expression before 'int'
void parseResponse(String &payload, float &temp, float &wind, int &pressure, int &humid, float &feel, int &uv);
The function parseResponse doesn't return anything so I don't know why it's complaining about being declared as void. Same is true for the function getRequest. Also, is there something wrong in the function prototype as I am passing references?
Edit: Here is the weatherapi.cpp & .h file
#include "weatherapi.h"
#include <HTTPClient.h>
#include <Arduino.h>
const char url[] = "";
void getRequest(String &payload)
HTTPClient getClient;
int httpCode = getClient.GET();
//get response and check HTTP status code returned
if (httpCode > 0)
payload = getClient.getString();
Serial.print("HTTP Status: ");
Serial.println("Error on HTTP request");
weatherapi.h file
void getRequest(String &payload);
is - did you include Arduino.h in there?