I'm new to Arduino and I'm building a project that fetches data from a website (using ESP8266) and then transfers them to my Arduino UNO
via serial port.
Data coming from ESP8266 every 20s - [{"x": 0,"y": 0,"rgb": [255, 200, 174]},{"x": 1,"y": 0,"rgb": [255, 200, 174]},{"x": 2,"y": 0,"rgb": [255, 200, 174]}]
But when I print the data like this
void loop() {
if (Serial.available()) {
Serial.write(Serial.read()); // This line prints only one character out of whole string
data = Serial.read(); // so this doesn't work
DeserializationError error = deserializeJson(response, data);
if (error) {
Serial.print(F("deserializeJson() failed: "));
for (JsonObject elem : response.as<JsonArray>()) {
int x = elem["x"]; // 2, 2, 2
int y = elem["y"]; // 2, 2, 2
JsonArray rgb = elem["rgb"];
int rgb_0 = rgb[0]; // 255, 255, 255
int rgb_1 = rgb[1]; // 255, 255, 255
int rgb_2 = rgb[2]; // 255, 255, 255
delay(1000); //then it waits 1 second and goes from the start
How can I make it to get the whole string and save it into a variable?
Thanks, much for answering.
, so just use it from there?Serial.readStringUntil()
and read to e. g.\n