I'm working on a light detection system for the higher secondary summer term project, for which I'm using a simple Arduino board, Adafruit 16-Bit ADC, an LDR with some resisters, a 5V USB power source either the computer USB 2.0 port or a mobile power bank 5V-500mA/1A/2.1A, a USB mobile charging cable (not the data cable) and a Bluetooth module to communicate with Arduino system, an android or a computer (different from Arduino power source) to record the data.
The difference in maximum and minimum response is very poor when replacing the power source from the computer USB to power bank USB. With the same environmental and experimental conditions, the response goes from 50000 to 45000 counts (the changes in response are 5000 counts) with the power bank. For the same situations, the response goes from 50000 to 5000 counts (the changes are 45000) with the computer power source which is more suitable but it's better to use a small power supply.
How can I get the better and stable response? Kindly help me to solve out this issue. Thank you.