I'm using MPU9250
which has both accelerometer and gyroscope in a vehicle. What I want is to just know that if the vehicle is currently moving or not. I searched and find out that I can't get velocity easily so I skipped that but I was wondering how can I found movement with an IMU.
Edit: As @Duncan said, it seems that it cannot be examined with only IMU. I also have a GPS sensor in my device and having the speed value from GPS but it is not very accurate. For example, if the vehicle is stopped for 5 minutes I get variable speeds between 0 to 10.0 kmph and on the other hand getting the location as lat/long has about 20 meters error. So I can't really rely on it. I was wondering can I combine both GPS and IMU to find out if it is really moving or not? One solution that I came was relying on GPS speed but for spikes just check the accelerometer variations and if it is beyond a threshold, it means that it actually moved.