By including
#include <BlynkSimpleEsp8266.h>
Blynk library ( from more than 1 module/cpp file, "Multiple definition of `Blynk’" error is thrown at compile time. The header file contains following:
static WiFiClient _blynkWifiClient;
static BlynkArduinoClient _blynkTransport(_blynkWifiClient);
BlynkWifi Blynk(_blynkTransport);
How can I get the Blynk declarations into a second or third module, without multiple definitions error? Editing the header/library file/s is not an option!
By the question in How to create global variables/includes/functions for use in multiple source files it is still not clear what a working solution is...
keyword in header file and instance must be defined in .cpp file (without extern). The extern means this variable is placed somewhere else.