i am using nRF24L01 to connect between 3 of them ( 1 is master and the others are slaves) and i am using nRF24 library , my problem is that when the master receive something from the other slaves and do not know from which channel the infromation come so is there is a way to know from which channel
//master channel code: const byte addresses[][6] = {"00001", "00002","00003"}; radio.openWritingPipe(addresses[1]); // mastr radio.openReadingPipe(2, addresses[0]); // carwl radio.openReadingPipe(2, addresses[2]); // carwl2
//slave 1 channel code : const byte addresses[][6] = {"00001", "00002","00003"}; radio.openWritingPipe(addresses[0]); // carw1 radio.openReadingPipe(2, addresses[1]); // mastr
//slave 2 channel code: const byte addresses[][6] = {"00001", "00002","00003"}; radio.openWritingPipe(addresses[0]); // 00003 radio.openReadingPipe(2, addresses[2]); // 00002
library i use: https://github.com/nRF24/RF24