I'm designing a frequency generator with ICL8038, which would output sine, square and triangle waves, which would reach frequency such as 300kHz.
I've already designed a circuit around the ICL8038, but I'm unsure how to measure the frequency, to show on LCD display.
I'm leaving down a schematics I've drawn. A.Duty is going to the analog input of arduino, which will show the duty cycle between 2% and 98%. This will be going to a voltage divider to make a proportional input for the arduino analog input.
The "frequency pin" would be connected directly from the BNC connector from the casing, which means, that the input can be triangular, sine or square.
Just to mension, in case it makes any kind of difference, I'm planning to use just Atmega328 with 16MHz quartz and 2 capacitors, not exactly as Arduino UNO or NANO. But the Atmega will have a arduino bootloader on it.
By the time asking about ICL8038, I've got also few questions about the IC:
You connect the FM Bias(pin 7) and SWEEP (pin 8) together to create sweep on the output of any kind of signal, whichever it is? This is fixed time constant or should I add some kinda coapacitor there?
What exactly does Tcap (pin 10) does? I've read through the datasheet but couldn't understand it's meaning.
How would I get proper voltage range every time, when I would change the input voltage of the ICL8038? (it has wide range of output signal, proportionall to the input; it goes from 36V to input, 28V max output)
For power supply would be proper LM317 as adjustable power supply (since it has low power consumption) and just use a potentiometer to adjust input of the ICL8038 and monitor the OUTPUT levels?
PIn 13 and PIn 14 are NC (not connected). Can I just connect them together and connect them to GND?
As if anybody knows for any "better" IC as this one is, please let me know. I'm already going to have to buy it from China (this gives me doubts about the capabilities), I'd rather just order one from Europe or US.