How I want help ,, I want send status of Switch If switch > 20 send SMS status of switch OFF and when switch <20 than mean switch ON , Don't want send the value of reading. I use Arduino uno
If I want use multiple switch and send all status of switchs in one message. I mean if switch1 > 20 ON and switch2 <20 I want send status of switch In one SMS Switch1 ON Switch2 OFF Switch3 OFF
How I can do this??
void loop()
Switch = analogRead(S_Switch);
if (Switch > 20 )
Serial.println(Switch);// If Switch > 20 show in SMS switch statuse OFF,, If switch < 20 show in SMS switch statuse ON
Sim900Serial.print("AT+CMGF=1\r"); //Sending the SMS in text mode
Sim900Serial.println("AT + CMGS = \"+***************\"");//The predefined phone number
Sim900Serial.println("MY Swicth statuse is :");
Sim900Serial.println(Switch); // I don't want the value of Switch I want ( ON , OFF )
Sim900Serial.print(" ");
Sim900Serial.println((char)26);//the ASCII code of the ctrl z is 26