My 10 year old received great gift from older brother (Crate Creations) and I am trying write the program and getting this error. It looks to me that I matched the required code word for word symbol for symbol but I just can't figure out what I did wrong:

void loop () {

  for (float x = 0; x < PI; x = x + 0.00001) {
    RGB[0] = power * abs(sin(x * (CommonMathVariable)));
    RGB[1] = power * abs(sin((x + PI/3) * (CommonMathVariable)));
    RGB[2] = power * abs(sin((x + (2 * PI) / 3) * (CommonMathVariable)));
    ambientLight = analogRead(ldrPin);
    if (ambientLight > 600) {

    analogWrite (redLed.RGB[0]);
    analogWrite (greenLed.RGB[1];
    analogWrite (blueLed.RGB[2];


I get this error:

request for member 'RGB' in 'redLed' , which is of non-class type 'int'
  • 1
    Nick, Thanks so much...that got me past the error i have been stressing over... the booklet just looks like a period and not a comma....you rock..here is the rest of the code...after i corrected the comma i am getting an error for 'pulseSpeed not declared'
    – JayGarcia
    Commented Feb 5, 2017 at 12:02
  • for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (RGB[i] < 1) { delay (20 * pulseSpeed); } else if (RGB[i] < 5) { delay (10 * pulseSpeed); } else if (RGB[i] < 10) { delay (2 * pulseSpeed); } else if (RGB[i] < 100) { delay (1 * pulseSpeed); } else {} } delay (1); }
    – JayGarcia
    Commented Feb 5, 2017 at 12:05
  • I can't really make out that comment. This sounds like a different question. Can you make a new one please? On the face of it you haven't declared pulseSpeed, unless there is more code you haven't shown. A declaration looks like: type name, for example: int pulseSpeed;
    – Nick Gammon
    Commented Feb 6, 2017 at 5:14

1 Answer 1


Probably you didn't spot commas:

    analogWrite (redLed,   RGB[0]);
    analogWrite (greenLed, RGB[1]);
    analogWrite (blueLed,  RGB[2]);

The function analogWrite takes two arguments, separated by commas. You were missing some brackets as well.

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