I've connected ESP8266 to Arduino UNO. After a getting a huge trouble I successfully managed to run some AT commands. I have also tested AP mode.
Then I got some trouble with software serial communication with Arduino and decided to change baud-rate to 9600 (previously it was 115200).
I used AT+IPR=9600
command to change it.
After that blue led of esp stays on and not taking AT commands any more, but output some gibberish to serial monitor with few ascii text like below:
ets Jan 8 2013,rst cause:4, boot mode:(3,6)
wdt reset
load 0x40100000, len 1396, room 16
tail 4
chksum 0x89
load 0x3ffe8000, len 776, room 4
tail 4
chksum 0xe8
load 0x3ffe8308, len 540, room 4
tail 8
chksum 0xc0
csum 0xc0
2nd boot version : 1.4(b1)
SPI Speed : 40MHz
SPI Mode : DIO
SPI Flash Size & Map: 8Mbit(512KB+512KB)
jump to run user1 @ 1000
Note: I know it consumes a lot power tried external 3.3V power supply and voltage divider for rx pin.
Any help would be appreciated.