Apologies if this is the wrong sub-forum, the involvement of ATTiny and arduino places this into a strange category. Please correct me if I should post elsewhere.
It is important for this to be a library as small kids will be using this program and hardware for their own projects. Its kind of a rip on the LOLshield but it involves a lot more steps to integrate more lessons all at once.
My whole program takes 8 bytes of information and converts it to data for a shift register driving two multiplexers all driving an 8x8 LED matrix. It can also use multiple of these packets to make a slide show. I have it in a working state right now and would like to turn it into a library for easy use. I am a bit lost in this step as I had to create an interrupt timer and this makes it more complicated than the tutorial on the arduino website covers.
Also if someone could point me to a library for ATTiny85 that makes calling a timer interrupt easy then the rest of this project will likewise become easier.
Any help would be great! I will be continuing to look on online resources and will update should I figure it out.