I'm currently working on my own arduino library and I'm becoming exasperated with the following problem: I want to store data with the extended database library (https://code.google.com/p/arduino-edb/) on a sd card. I tried to follow and adapt the instructions on this page and I gave my custom library a property "File dbFile" as well as a property "EDB db". Additionally I have to pass two function pointers to the constructor of the EDB library. So my custom library got two more properties: a writer and a reader function. My class looks roughly like that:
class myLib
void configWriter( unsigned long address, byte data );
byte configReader( unsigned long address );
File dbFile;
EDB configDB;
...so far so good. But here comes the pain in the ... When I'm trying to instantiate a new EDB object in the constructor of my class by passing two pointers to the member functions I'm constantly getting an error. Here is how I call the constructor of the EDB library:
configDB = new EDB( &myLib::configWriter, &myLib::configReader );
I get the following error:
no matching function for call to 'EDB::EDB()'
[...] note: candidates are:
note: EDB::EDB(void ()(long unsigned int, uint8_t), uint8_t ()(long unsigned int)) EDB(EDB_Write_Handler *, EDB_Read_Handler *);
The prototype of the EDB constructor looks like this:
EDB(EDB_Write_Handler *, EDB_Read_Handler *);
EDB_Write_Handler and EDB_Read_Handler are defined like so:
typedef void EDB_Write_Handler(unsigned long, const uint8_t); typedef uint8_t EDB_Read_Handler(unsigned long);
So I assume that my constructor call doesn't work because the functions that I'm passing are from a foreign class: (myLib::) and not just ()
I have no idea how to solve that problem. Does someone of you have any idea?
Thanks, Andy
EDIT: Here is a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example:
#ifndef myLib_h
#define myLib_h
#include "Arduino.h"
#include <SPI.h>
#include <SD.h>
#include <EDB.h>
#define SD_CS 4
#define SD_SS 10
class myLib
void begin();
void configWriter( unsigned long address, byte data );
byte configReader( unsigned long address );
File dbFile;
EDB * configDB;
#include "myLib.h"
myLib::myLib( void )
void myLib::begin()
// Init SD
pinMode(SS, OUTPUT);
// Load Config
configDB = new EDB( &myLib::configWriter, &myLib::configReader );
dbFile = SD.open("config.db", FILE_WRITE);
void myLib::configWriter( unsigned long address, byte data )
byte myLib::configReader( unsigned long address )
return dbFile.read();
Arduino sketch:
#include <SPI.h>
#include <SD.h>
#include <EDB.h>
#include "myLib.h"
myLib* a;
void setup()
a = new myLib();
void loop()