I want to use sensors on an Arduino to control values in a MATLAB program. What are my options for communicating?

I've used Processing to receive data sent via the serial cable, and that strategy has worked pretty well. Is there something similar I can do using MATLAB? I'm somewhat new to MATLAB, so gentle guidance would be great.

I'm not really looking for something like the ArduinoIO package -- I want to have separate computation executing on the Arduino and occasionally informing my MATLAB program (which will occasionally poll the serial line, I suppose).

  • 6
    Do you need help writing the code for the Arduino, or help writing MATLAB code to read data input from the serial stream?
    – apnorton
    Commented Feb 13, 2014 at 2:54
  • 1
    This question appears to be off-topic because it is about programming in Matlab. Commented Feb 13, 2014 at 21:57
  • The serial port is your best bet. I would define a simple message format bases on your needs. If you only are doing simple stuff like valve on/off: I would define a start byte followed by a fixed number of data bytes. If you want to get more complicated send a length byte first, followed by that many data bytes. Please remember: don't send serial bytes nonstop, always have a few breaks (sleep cycles) in the data which allows the serial chips to clock recover.
    – benathon
    Commented Mar 31, 2015 at 7:04

4 Answers 4


MATLAB Support Package for Arduino (aka ArduinoIO Package) allows you to do it fairly easily.

Sample usage:

%-- connect to the board

a = arduino('COM9')

%-- specify pin mode



%-- digital i/o

a.digitalRead(4) % read pin 4

a.digitalWrite(13,0) % write 0 to pin 13

%-- analog i/o

a.analogRead(5) % read analog pin 5

a.analogWrite(9, 155) % write 155 to analog pin 9

  • If I understand ArduinoIO correctly, all the computation is initiated on the Matlab side and the Arduino just becomes a sensor extension. That isn't what I want. I want to have a program on the Arduino (doing it's own computation) that occasionally communicates with Matlab.
    – Bill Nace
    Commented Feb 15, 2014 at 3:26
  • 1
    The MATLAB side simply provides you with the functions to communicate with the Arduino. It's up to you how/when you want the two to communicate. The Arduino can write to the serial port and this allows you to read from it.
    – sachleen
    Commented Feb 15, 2014 at 3:28

I don't know a whole lot about MATLAB, but I found some tutorials about reading and writing from the serial port:

s = serial('COM1');
fprintf(s, 'Your serial data goes here')
out = fscanf(s)

out is now your received data, and you can do whatever you want with it.

To close:

clear s

It is from Writing and Reading Data (MATLAB/ Data and File Management/ Serial Port Devices).

From your question I assume you know about the Arduino side of things (using Serial).


I've established a connection, sending numbers. By just changing Serial.write to Serial.print and fread to fscanf you can send/receive clear ASCII text instead of binary data.

Both matlab and arduino code can be found at this question:



clc clear all global value global value1 global val5 global val6 global val7 global val8 global val9 a=arduino('COM4'); value = zeros(); value1 = zeros(); val5 = zeros(); val6 = zeros(); val7 = zeros(); val8 = zeros(); val9 = zeros(); for i=1:1000

val1(i)=analogRead(a,0)/2; %incomming

val2(i)=analogRead(a,1)/2; %heater

val3(i)=analogRead(a,2)/2; %heat sink

val4(i)=analogRead(a,5)/2; %atmsphr

val8(i)=analogRead(a,6)/2; %pressure

val9(i)=analogRead(a,7)/2; %pressure


value(i)= (val1(i)+val4(i)+val3(i))/3;

value1(i) =(val8(i)-val9(i)); %pressure

val5(i)=analogRead(a,0)/2 %incoming

val6(i)=analogRead(a,4)/2 %outgoing

val7(i) = value(i)-val6(i) plot(value, 'r'); title('heat sink temprature');

hold on

plot(val5, 'k');

title('incoming air temprature');
plot(val6, 'g');

title('outgoing air temprature');

 plot(val4, 'k');
 title('atmospheric temperature');

plot(val7,  'c');
title('change in temprature');


plot(value1,  'r');
title('change in pressure'); 



  • 1
    Providing a code-answer without an explanation on what it does it's not a valid answer here on StackExchange. Can you edit your post providing some informations? Commented Mar 31, 2015 at 7:45

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