Consider this question closed, found my answer through the answers I had

I am trying to make a position profile curve depending on Looptime, accelerationloops,Setposition,Currentposition(position) and velocity. The curve should look like this:

enter image description here

Is someone able to check what is wrong with my code?

float array[30];

struct Formula {
  int LoopTime = 1000;
  int AccelerationLoops = 11;
  float VelocityLoop = 0;
  float VelocityFactor = 0;
  int TotalLoops = 0;
  float DeltaPosition = 0;
  int Setpoint = 0;
  int Iteration = -1;
  float EndOne = 1.25;

float SetPosition = 1404;
float Position = 0;
float Velocity = 36;

void setup() {
  for(Formula.Iteration ; Formula.Iteration <= Formula.TotalLoops; Formula.Iteration++){
    if(Formula.Iteration >= 0) {array[Formula.Iteration] = Formula.Setpoint;}
  for(Formula.Iteration = 0 ; Formula.Iteration <= Formula.TotalLoops; Formula.Iteration++){

void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:


void ProgFormula(){
  if(Formula.Iteration == -1) {
    Formula.DeltaPosition = SetPosition - Position;
    Formula.VelocityLoop = Velocity / (1000 / Formula.LoopTime);
    Formula.TotalLoops = Formula.DeltaPosition / Formula.VelocityLoop + Formula.AccelerationLoops;
    Formula.VelocityFactor = Formula.VelocityLoop * 0.5 / Formula.AccelerationLoops;
    Formula.EndOne = (Formula.VelocityFactor*pow(Formula.AccelerationLoops,2));                       
  else if (Formula.Iteration >= 0 && Formula.Iteration <= Formula.AccelerationLoops) {
    Formula.Setpoint = Formula.VelocityFactor * pow(Formula.Iteration,2);
  else if (Formula.Iteration > Formula.AccelerationLoops && Formula.Iteration <= (Formula.TotalLoops - Formula.AccelerationLoops)) {
    Formula.Setpoint = Formula.VelocityLoop * Formula.Iteration - Formula.EndOne;
  else if (Formula.Iteration >= (Formula.TotalLoops - Formula.AccelerationLoops) && Formula.Iteration <= Formula.TotalLoops) {
    Formula.Setpoint = -Formula.VelocityFactor * pow((Formula.TotalLoops - Formula.Iteration),2) + Formula.DeltaPosition;
  else {
    Formula.Setpoint = Formula.Setpoint;
  • 1
    In setup(), array[Formula.Iteration] = Formula.Setpoint yields undefined bahavior when the index is −1. Commented Jun 24, 2015 at 13:26
  • Bit of a shame that i missed that... Edited my code, what is the reason my double values of the array are just integers with extra zero's?
    – KoenR
    Commented Jun 24, 2015 at 13:34
  • 1
    In avr-gcc, double is the same size as float. Commented Jun 24, 2015 at 13:46
  • But in what way will that effect my results?
    – KoenR
    Commented Jun 24, 2015 at 13:49
  • Please be more specific about what the problem is: What behavior do do expect from your code? What behavior do you have instead? Commented Jun 24, 2015 at 13:51

1 Answer 1


OK, this may not be a proper answer. I'm just having a hard time reading your code, and I cannot understand why you make it so complicated. If you know the acceleration profile, computing the position profile is just a matter of integrating twice. Here is an example, not for Arduino but for a PC. It should not be very different on an Arduino, you just wouldn't use printf():

/* Compute position for any acceleration profile. */
void compute_profile(float (*acceleration)(int), int max)
    float x = 0, v = 0;

    for (int t = 0; t <= max; t++) {
        v += acceleration(t);
        x += v;
        printf("%d\t%f\n", t, x);

/* Your particular acceleration profile. */
float VttgJ(int t)
    if (t <  7) return t;
    if (t < 13) return 12 - t;
    if (t < 40) return 0;
    if (t < 46) return 39 - t;
    else        return t - 51;

int main(void)
    compute_profile(VttgJ, 50);
    return 0;
  • The user inputs the following: Position and Velocity. They both need to be controlled. Because this isn't possible I have build three different formules by integrating the velocity curve. The system is able to measure a position and has a constant looptime. My code is rather complex and can probably a lot shorter. Maybe a modification of your code will be a lot smaller.
    – KoenR
    Commented Jun 24, 2015 at 14:41

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