I've run into a problem while coding a speedometer meant for bicycles. The speedometer would require the diameter of the wheel in inches for maximum accuracy, so I'd like to have an adjustable (by potentiometer) numerical prompt appear on two 7 segment LEDs. So, for example, the device would be turned on, it would display "16," the user would turn the potentiometer knob until the 7 segment LED displays "24," then the user would push a button [indicating the beginning of the loop()], and the speedometer would begin measuring and displaying his or her speed.
This would be an easier task to accomplish in the loop section of the code, but, because I only want this series of potentiometer analogReads to occur once, it gets a bit trickier.
Some clarification: Every other component of the speedometer works (such as the 7 segment LEDs via shift register and the actual measurements), so I'm only looking for help with the code for the potentiometer.