I'm working on a few arduino projects where I've needed a flexible scheduler and/or timer library and was wondering if anyone has a library they recommend?
Case 1: I have a sensor that needs to collect observations every hour, but it has a specific measurement sequence:
- Power up/boot (takes about 15 seconds)
- Warm-up for 60 seconds.
- Observe (2 min), collect raw data, generate stats
- Cool-down for 5 min.
- Power off
In this case have a single micro-controller acting as a data-logger that is controlling multiple sensors and writing to an SD card.
Case 2: I have an oven that needs to be controlled to a user-specified temperature profile (up say to 6 points of change), i.e.:
- Turn on heater
- Set temperature, 100C and hold for 2 min
- Set temperature, 160C and hold for 15 min
- Set temperature, 250C and hold for 1 hr
- ....
- Set temperature, 100C and hold for 1 hr
- Turn off heater
I'm familiar with non-blocking timers and (in the past) have cobbled together a few simple timers with millis() and some ulong variables. Alas, the complexity and debugging time rapidly grows with the number of dependent timers. Before I sit down and sketch out a class definition, I figured I'd ask what others are using.