I'm using Arduino Micro to read from 5 flex sensors and display the corresponding angles to the Serial monitor. I am currently having quite some problems with the oscillating values I am getting from the analogRead(). It doesn't seem to matter whether the pin is connected to a flex sensor or just grounded - the output is oscillating a lot.
Originally everything was being read and outputted just fine but I wanted to have an exact 100Hz sampling frequency and tried to play a bit with Timer Interrupts. And that's when this oscillating behaviour started. I reversed to my original code, which just uses some delay(), and simplified to only read from two pins, but cannot seem to shake off the oscillations.
I think I may have messed up something about ADC when trying to implement Interrupts, but I don't know how to check it or fix it. Please, help me figure out how to fix this!
This is the raw output of analogRead. The drop in values occurs when I bend the flex sensor:
And this is the resulting calculated angle. Also oscillating:
This is the code I've been using to read the pins:
int fin;
const int input[5] = {A0,A1,A2,A3,A4}; // the analog pins
int flex[5]; // analog signal read
float flexV;
float flexR[5]; // resistance on the 47k resistor
int angle[5]; // joint angles
const float VCC = 4.98; // Measured voltage of Arduino 5V line
// Measured resistance of the 47k resistors R1-R5
const float R[5] = {45900.0,45900.0,45900.0,45900.0,45900.0};
// Calibration values of resistance measured during straight phase and 90 deg bend phase
const float R_STRAIGHT[5] = {37651.0,37651.0,37651.0,37651.0,37651.0};
const float R_BEND[5] = {71783.0,71783.0,71783.0,71783.0,71783.0};
void setup() {
void loop() {
for(fin = 0; fin <= 4; fin++) {
flex[fin] = analogRead(input[fin]);
flexV = flex[fin]*VCC/1023.0;
flexR[fin] = R[fin] * (VCC/flexV - 1.0);
angle[fin] = map(flexR[fin],R_STRAIGHT[fin],R_BEND[fin],0,90.0);
Serial.print(" ");
Serial.print(" ");
Serial.print(" ");
Serial.print(" ");
Serial.print(" ");