I am integrating the MPU-6050 Accelerometer + Gyro sensor into a large project that contains 12 Arduino boards and 6 Raspberry Pis. At some point, I will have to load the output of my MPU-6050 sensor into another application through command line. The process is to be all done with Python and Bash (on the Raspberry Pi side), and so what I need is a way to store the output of my Arduino boards.

What I am currently looking at is the python program ino. I have used the product for about a year now, and as far as I am aware of, the only way to exit out of serial mode in ino is by closing the command-line window!

Is there a way I can achieve what I've discussed above? Essentially, all I want is a way to hold the output of my Arduino serial output so I can use it later in other parts of my project.

  • If I understand you correctly, you want to store the data recorded from an Arduino Uno through serial on a Raspberry Pi?
    – asheeshr
    Commented Mar 5, 2014 at 7:33
  • not necessarily the Pi, but in my case, yes Commented Mar 5, 2014 at 7:33

1 Answer 1


Well, I don't know about your ino program, but here's how I'd do it:


import serial, sys

with serial.Serial(port=sys.argv[1], baudrate=sys.argv[2]) as ser:
    while ser.isOpen():

The idea, here, is to print on stdout the data coming on the serial line:

python get_serial.py /dev/ttyACM0 115200 > output.log

or you can do it this way:


import serial, sys

with open(sys.argv[3]) as f:
    with serial.Serial(port=sys.argv[1], baudrate=sys.argv[2]) as ser:
        while ser.isOpen():

which is ran:

python get_serial.py /dev/ttyACM0 115200 output.log

Hope this helps!


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