Im having trouble getting a successful HTTP GET request to a domain under 000webhost.com

I am trying to do a GET request which sends data to a php file on my domain and save it to MySQL database. I also did this first on my browser and it works fine so I don't think there are problem in my php file.

MY DOMAIN: wastedb.000webhostapp.com

But if I try to send a request to dweet.io, it works as expected.

I am using a modified version of Adafruit_FONA library and will post the code snippet and response from serial monitor below.

Here are the parameters that I used for the WORKING GET request:

Host Address: www.dweet.io

Host: dweet.io

Response from Serial monitor for dweet.io (working):

<--- OK
---> AT+CHTTPSOPSE="www.dweet.io",80,1
<--- OK
<--- >
---> GET /dweet/for/gearhead?hello=world HTTP/1.1
Host: dweet.io

<--- OK
<--- OK
<--- OK
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2019 00:16:43 GMT
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 196

<--- OK
<--- OK

As we can see, the Arduino received a JSON response from the website.

Here are the parameters that I used for the NOT WORKING GET request:

Host Address: wastedb.000webhostapp.com

Host: wastedb.000webhostapp.com

Response from Serial monitor for wastedb.000webhostapp.com (NOT WORKING):

<--- OK
---> AT+CHTTPSOPSE="wastedb.000webhostapp.com",80,1
<--- OK
<--- >
---> GET /wastedb/get_location.php?lat=14.640155&lon=120.974920&stat=LOW HTTP/1.1
Host: wastedb.000webhostapp.com

<--- OK
<--- ERROR

Am I missing something here? Seems like the shield cannot find the Host Server I provided for my website.

EDIT: It is working now. The only solution that worked for me is to find another hosting site.

  • Please consider answering your own question with the information in your "edit". After a day or two, you can accept your answer as the solution.
    – VE7JRO
    Commented May 29, 2019 at 16:54

2 Answers 2


Try just using IP address for the Host line instead. I did the same thing for POST and it works fine for me.


Host: 13.xxx.xx.xx

sucessful POST


It is working now. The only solution that worked for me is to find another hosting site.

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