EDIT: Here are the links to the sensor spec sheet (http://www.omega.com/temperature/pdf/HX71.pdf) and manual (http://www.omega.com/Manuals/manualpdf/M4543.pdf) for your reference.
I'm using a relative humidity (RH) sensor with an Arduino Mega. The RH sensor runs off of +/- 24V (which is being sourced by a power supply), and outputs a signal from 0-5VDC. Naturally, I am plugging this output signal into my A0 channel. There is a bare Earth Ground wire that is wired to the power supply's earth ground (possible error?) Arduino's GND is connected to the power supply's EARTH GND, fyi.
I compared the voltage reading in my Arduino Serial Monitor to a reliable Fluke multimeter, and the analog input channel is adding ~.2 Volts!
From some research, I have read about "high impedance" "source impedance" "internal wiring of Arduino" etc, but unfortunately I am failing to grasp the reason why this is happening. I'd like to know so then I could figure out a solution on my own.
Below is a schematic of what I'm dealing with so that it may better illustrate my issue (also my code). Thank you for your time, and I appreciate your help!
void setup()
void loop()
float hs1 = ((( analogRead(A0) * ( 5.0 / 1024.0) ) )* 20.0 );